srealist's Forum Posts

  • Certainly! And if you're interested, I can try to get the full effect with the mist and sparkles in there.

  • Oh wow, I didn't notice the date, as it was on the first page, and was trying to help you. Who knows? Maybe other people who haven't already figured it out might find it helpful. :/


    NOTE: hold down left mouse button to make trails

    Not sure if something like this is anything like what you are talking about but - just to explicate how simple it is - it took about 5 minutes. And the source image is yucky with the alpha going into the border. Yet still pretty neat.

    Edit: Let me know if the above is part of the effect you are going for and if so, I will put some more time into it and get those mist effects like shown in your image working.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm very interested in this. Thanks so much!

  • Oh good catch!! It is incorrectly labelled "4x4" when it should be "4x3". If you import it as 4x3 it works as it should.

    Thanks for the feedback and for the suggestions. Could you explain a bit more what you mean by flying bullets? Sounds fun!


  • Oh great! Thanks for all the replies. I used ExGen and Photoshop for these though I do also use AfterEffects and other video editors depending on what it is.

  • Gonna give this one bump to the top and then let it rest. Am curious to know if people find this useful - as I am happy to do a lot of these, always free and free to use, if they are wanted.

  • Got my vote. This should be a lock judging by the number of comments on Steam Greenlight.

  • Thanks, folks! Vandinz, was just playing your space shooter. It's very fun! Maybe some of these sprites will come in handy for your game. Also, let me know if you have any requests. I can knock them out fairly quickly.

  • Hi all,

    Here are 8 sprite sheets for use in your applications. They are free to use in any manner you choose. Credit appreciated but not required. You may redistribute, give to your friends, etc.

    They may be too high res for some uses so you may want to resize. On my machine they work best at speed = 40 or higher.

    I can't post active links as I do not have a high enough reputation. Help me out to get to 500 so I can in the future.


    <img src="" border="0" />

    Any and all comments are welcome as are requests for future packs.

  • Greg, you can actually already do this with the Pixellate that comes with C2. You would want to dynamically alter the size parameter either using ticks or seconds whilst simultaneously decreasing the alpha. You would then need to do the opposite on the image or layer you are transitioning into.

    Something I've come to understand about the built-in shaders - they are pretty all encompassing. I wondered at first why there were not more animated shaders but I believe they made a wise choice. Rather than write the animation into the shader, they give you access to a parameter so you can have programmatic control.

    I think a few more animated shaders might be nice and will be looking into it but my guess would be that a little bit of imagination would go a long way with what we already have.


    Edit: I can make an example for you if you would like. Probably not tonight but tomorrow.

  • sqiddster - sort of, there are lots of different ways to implement a blur but blurring horizontally and then vertically afterwards can be a lot more efficient than a badly written single effect to blur.

    What ever are you implying? :P

    Lemme know if this might be useful to anyone.

    In the interest of full disclosure, I based the blur off of this tutorial as there is no way I'm going to make up a blur procedure from scratch.

    Here is a simple example where I am increasing the intensity every tick until it starts looking retarded then I reset to 0. Nothing fancy:

    It is a horizontal blur, implemented a little different than the stock one in C2. Not sure it adds much, was mostly a learning lesson for me, but I am happy to make it available if it is interesting to anyone.

    Warning: it might be badly written but it runs with no problems on my end.

    Edit: I should add...the animation in the example is done in Construct2, it is not a part of the shader. The shader has a "Blur Amount" parameter than can be set or altered in C2.

  • sqiddster, saw this today and took a stab at a blur effect. I've got it looking good but I have some misunderstanding of how the alpha channel is handled and right now the alpha ends up black. That is to say, the blur effect looks about right but it is not useful right now because I'm losing the alpha channel in the process. Will keep at it as this is something I have to figure out if I am going to get anywhere.

  • Very nice 3D WebGL shader example!

  • Great list so far! Keep 'em coming.

    Anything I do will be done from "scratch" in so much as anyone writes any code from scratch. So to my knowledge there shouldn't be any copyright or attribution issues. Whatever I am able to produce will be free to use in any manner and I hope others plan to do the same.

    On a side note, I nearly fried my graphics card because of a typo causing a non-terminating, nested for-loop. Shader work is dangerous business. :P