squale's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I try to use the multiplayer but I have lag problems in the peer.

    You can test the project here: http://www.construct-french.fr/c2/multi ... lateforme/

    Here is the capx: http://www.construct-french.fr/c2/multi ... forme.capx

    Can you help me ?

  • Exactly the same problem for me. It is as if the server is not launched.

  • Hi, this is open to any user of Construct any nationality! Instead you are all welcome!

  • Hello, I bought it but how do you download?

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Select Box2D asm.js Physic Engine

    2. Create a sprite with physic behavior

    3. Add Plateform Bahavior

    4. Try, it's crash

    Observed result:

    Construct 2 crashed :


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Behavior missing its runtime.js file

    Condition: FileExists(behavior->GetRuntimeFile(use_asm_physics))

    File: html5.cpp

    Line: 1106

    Function: void __cdecl Exporter::DoExport(class era::IProject *,class era::ILayout *,bool,struct HWND__ *,bool,bool)

    Build: release 153 (64-bit) checked

    Component: HTML5 exporter

    (Last Win32 error: 2)

    Browsers affected:

    Construct 2 crash before the window opens

    Operating system & service pack:

    windows 8.1

    Construct 2 version:


  • Changing colours appears to have NO EFFECT.

    I go into File | Preferences | Colors (where is the U?) - dialog says "default" I select, WIndows 7 and then "load selected theme". I get a response to say it is loaded.

    I close my event sheets and reopen and the look exactly the same.

    I then go back to preferences and it shows "default" theme in the drop down.



    it is the same to me

  • Yes I have imported the xml file

  • Hello, i have the same problem like xeed, i am not able to load from file. Could you help me ?

    xeed, have you solve your problem ?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thank you thank you thank you all! It works! I also uninstalled java 7 and reinstalled java 6 and everything works perfectly! Thank you for writing this tutorial!

    I have another question, can I post this tutorial on the forum of the French Community of construction? I quote this post as a source of course.

    Thank you!!

  • Hello, now i have the error :

    jarsigner: unable to recover key from keystore

    How to avoid it?

  • I have set %JAVA_HOME% in c:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_07 and echo %JAVA_HOME% which shows me the directory defined.

    I started all the steps but I have the same r�sultat.Je do not understand what I am doing wrong.

  • The only thing I did differently from your tutorial is the beginning, I have kept the default directories because I had already installed.

    If I put the java jdk in c :/ I do not understand where to type echo% JAVA_HOME%

    Does having checked minifying can cause the problem?

  • Thank you for taking the time to write this tutorial.

    But I followed your tutorial, I have no error, but when I upload the file to Google play he said: "The server could not process your apk. Please try again."

    Have you any idea why?

  • Hi all, I'm Pascal, I am French and I am the co-webmaster of the French Community of Construct. I just realized that I had not thought to introduce myself.

  • I'm going to write up a more detailed walk through of what I did because now it really is super easy. I'll let you know when I've gotten it finished.Thank you very much!