Poll: new default color scheme?

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  • Hi all,

    I'd like to change the default color theme in Construct 2. (Note the color scheme is different to the UI theme - it is set in the Colors tab of Preferences, and mainly affects the event sheet colors). I think the other themes have a better distinction between things like comments, variables and includes.

    Which of the three bundled color schemes in the latest beta is your favourite? Please try them all before voting, and note you need to close and reopen any tabs after changing the theme for it to fully take effect.

    If there's a clear winner, I'll make the switch for the next stable release.

  • The software uses different themes I found out sometime after years of work. Played, looked up the differences between them and forgot about the topics again.

    Not once was able to answer the question what theme is used in the program. Scenic. All the time. Flat theme wines 7 does not like. Carbon has a bad color scheme. Currently, my choice of Scenic or Office 2003

  • DrNickTo - just to clarify again that this poll is for the color themes in the Colors tab of Preferences, not the UI theme you can choose from the ribbon View tab.

  • i have just one question for me when i start working in construct2 the most disturbing thing is the white page (the first frame) is completly white, can you change that to a clear grey?

  • Can we get an example of each color scheme in question?

    Edit: Nevermind, I have construct 2 installed on this PC ;) sec

    Edit2: Nothing seemed to change even after restarting like it says *shrugs* Anyway~ pick a good one =]

  • Changing colours appears to have NO EFFECT.

    I go into File | Preferences | Colors (where is the U?) - dialog says "default" I select, WIndows 7 and then "load selected theme". I get a response to say it is loaded.

    I close my event sheets and reopen and the look exactly the same.

    I then go back to preferences and it shows "default" theme in the drop down.



  • Changing colours appears to have NO EFFECT.

    I go into File | Preferences | Colors (where is the U?) - dialog says "default" I select, WIndows 7 and then "load selected theme". I get a response to say it is loaded.

    I close my event sheets and reopen and the look exactly the same.

    I then go back to preferences and it shows "default" theme in the drop down.



    it is the same to me

  • Ashley Also consider including a darker theme like the popular Monokai

    <img src="http://damir.me/u/manual/monokai.jpg" border="0">

    here's a quick example i put together feel free to use it...

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14202686/harvest_dark_mono2.png" border="0">font used: Unbuntu Mono 9pt

    harvest_dark_mono.xml ? download link

    Using a proper coding font like Unbuntu Mono (Free!), Menlo or the Windows default Consolas would also help avoid common errors generated by similar characters that are not easly distinguished in normal sans fonts (like the Segoe currently used)

    example of similar characters:

    Typical Sans Font ? 1lIijJLoO0

    Better Coding Font ? <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">1lIijJLoO0</font>

    Good ?? Coding Fonts Reference/Comparison

  • The win7 scheme looks pretty ugly to me...I think the best is the default scheme but with green or orange variables & includes.

  • I prefer the Default theme's lighter colors over the more grey-blue Windows 7 look. The Default theme to me has a better contrast balance overall, making it easier to distinguish action lists from each other. However, it would be nice to have some other colors on variables/includes as MadFactory said.

    Although I like the green variable definitions, my least favorite part of the Windows 7 theme is the dark grey include boxes. If you change this theme to the default, please consider making them lighter.

    The other two themes have more severe contrast issues and just feel too grey.

    The Default theme with lightly colored variables/includes, and a more light-bluish tint rather than purple would be awesome.

  • harvest - thank you very much for that theme xml. I LIKE it!

    PS I dislike the Windows 7 theme - how can it be winning?

  • The Truth? That is also the "color" tab I found out just now.<img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Never color editor has not been a problem for me. I was not mistaken, when voted to "Default"

  • I definitely think Harvest has the best idea.

    I vote Harvest.

  • harvest I also love that theme, thanks!!

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  • odd, my computer at home does change the colours, unlike my office machine.

    Windows 7 theme is very drab, I prefer default.

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