sqiddster's Forum Posts

  • Are you trying to run the exported file from disc? Are you looking at preview or export?

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  • That's not good. Stupid IE10.

  • It shouldn't be too difficult. I'd agree that you'd want to start with a random order. Other than that from what I'd know you'd have to make some simple array operations. The staggering of the cards will be interesting to figure out but it is certainly not impossible. Just a bit brain bending ;)

  • Yep, AirScape has about 700 events and also uses families. So you'd need the paid version for that <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • scirra.com/tutorials/42/upload-your-game-to-dropbox

    Also make sure you're using a supported browser. They should all auto-update except IE. IE9+ will work.

  • I can't look at your capx right now, but you might want to try a variable like 'holdingWeapon' or something which is true if he has a weapon, and is checked to be false before he picks up a weapon.

  • The problem lies in the fact that a bullet will move with respect to dt. dt will change all the time by tiny amounts, which means the bullets will move different distances every tick. If the speed of the bullet is high, it will move farther every tick.

    The bullet will register its collision with a wall only once a tick. So, every bullet will probably move a different distance 'into the wall' before it executes the bounce code. This will give naturally inconsistent bouncing if you are at an angle.

    There's not much you can do, apart from using physics with 'framerate independent' set to off.

  • Nobody's going to build the game for you. I'm not sure why nobody told you that it can be done, but it absolutely can <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.

    procrastinator is correct, you will probably need to know a little about arrays.

    (Also, it's not really polite to bump more than once a day. Give people a little time to get here <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )

  • Probably not hard to do manually, and I personally don't see that many uses for such an event ;)

  • There's nothing wrong with starting with the free version. If you like it (and you probably will), then you can support Scirra by buying a license.

  • You have a number of 'fullscreen in browser' options to choose from. I personally prefer 'letterbox scale' but it's up to you.

  • Just make sure you mention me with sqiddster so I don't forget... it's hard to keep track of these threads.

  • I really can't tell if it's just a side effect of the fullscreen scaling (you will get some level of artifacts no matter what), or something more. Mainly because the youtube compression sort of makes it all look the same. Any way you could give us your capx or a simplified version?

  • Whiteclaws, of course you can use those! Why wouldn't you be able to?

  • Hello everyone, I prevent a perplexing problem.

    Let's say I have two click-and drag nodes, with a bar that always extends between them. A simple matter to program.

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/cg0Pv.png" border="0" />

    The nodes can be dragged around the layout at will and the bar will always extend between them (simple programming).

    Now, in the context of this arrangement, there will be some walls/obstacles in the layout.

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/X08tW.png" border="0" />

    How can I program the arrangement so that the user can never position the system so that any object (nodes or bar) intersects any wall?

    Here's a capx of the example. It's pretty simple as I haven't implemented any sort of collision prevention.


    So, what do you think I should do? I thought of using physics, but that brings problems with clicking and dragging...
