SPX's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • > I also found an inconsistency on the forum, manual and/or tutorial examples regarding the Android application ID: Should it use the / or ~ sign in between the code?


    > e.g. ca-app-pub-0000000000000000/0000000000 VS ca-app-pub-0000000000000000~0000000000


    APP ID is like ca-app-pub-0000000000000000~0000000000

    AD ID is like ca-app-pub-0000000000000000/0000000000

    Ok, thanks that makes sense. But allas it still does not show.

  • Hi,

    I'm experiencing somewhat the same, but with an interstitial advert.

    I also found an inconsistency on the forum, manual and/or tutorial examples regarding the Android application ID: Should it use the / or ~ sign in between the code?

    e.g. ca-app-pub-0000000000000000/0000000000 VS ca-app-pub-0000000000000000~0000000000

    I cannot seem to get the ad showing (on my own and wife's phone), but have 4 displays in AdMob at this time? Note: I have set my device as a test device in AdMob.

    What I do:

    1. On Start of layout: Create initial advert > show: false
    2. When boolean variable is true: Show interstitial advert

    Can anyone point me into the right direction?

    Thank you for your time and help,


  • Hi fellow developers,

    I just finished my first Construct 3 game ever. The game is called Number Psychic and is available in the Google Play Store.

    Note: Still deciding whether or not to publish to the Apple App Store. The process seems a lot tougher (and more pricy). Does anyone have experience with this? Is it worth the hassle?

    Prior to this release I already started developing games in Construct 2, but never finished it due to the complexity of my games. So, finally after 2 years I decided to just create a short little game about a numbers trick. Now that I have finished this game, I am very motivated to complete my other games.

    Would really appreciate it when you try the game and leave a review.

    Thank you in advance and enjoy your day!


  • Thanks, that helped!

  • Hi guys,

    I can't seem to get the stored text from an array by using the code below:


    It just shows '0'

    This is probably an easy one, can anyone help me please?



  • Sorry, solved it! I forgot to set the value of the randomDier variable.

  • Hi,

    1st click on an object works, the 2nd mouseclick (on another object) doesn't work (anymore).

    Below the code:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15175018/game.JPG" border="0" />

    Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

    Kind regards,


    PS. Also having sound issues when I try build an Android App with AppMobi!

  • Thank you for your replies. It's a 1d array do I will use Joe7's answer.

    Thans staan!

  • Can someone please help me with the following?

    I would like to know how to select a random Instance variable stored in an array.

  • Thank you, this worked like a charm!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi,

    Is there a way to disable a mouse click on an object based upon the value of a variable?

    E.g. Disable mouse click on object X in case var_a = 0

    Your help will be much appreciated.



  • 12 posts