spiderfan 179's Forum Posts

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  • in my experiense with this engine i can tell you , the problem of construt 3 lack of popularity is because nobody wants to show the true power of the engine , this is a great great engine but when i was a noob coding all the tutorials for construct 2 was simple games, the engine looks like have no more than the drag and drop coding system and construct 3 inherited those problems, the developers think construct 3 is a weak engine because the lack of tutorials , i can tell you i used to search tutorials for make custom plugins or behaviors or effects but all the tutorials are complex things or theres no good explanaition and even now has the same problem those are limitands for the develop of a game , in unity you can make anything you want, in construct you make things following a preset path , and is no bad but theres a bunch of developers who loves the senzation of coding something by her selfs, i know construct 3 have js code but is not the same the engine still limitated you

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  • 1 posts