spexel's Forum Posts

  • i did it but when i copy past the link i receive a msg that say that my browser cant read html5. I use chrome and construct without any problem...

  • i would like my friends to try my game without having to download construct 2.

    What is the easiest and fastest way to do that?

    thank you

  • ok this is where i am at right now.

    i have issues with the lvl 2 and i cant find why. i want them to have 5 health points instead of 3 and to show up when every monster from lvl are dead and after 20 seconds (both need to be true ).

    thanks for the help guys.

    if you have any other advice regarding how i put things together it would be appreciated too

  • ok i have the shooter from the beginner tutorial. what i want to do is: monster to spawn every 3 seconds but i want it to stop after a X number of seconds. then when they are all dead i want a pause of like 5 secondes before it start to spawn every 3 seconds again.

    basically i want to divide it by "level" first level 1 monster spawn every 3 seconds for 20 seconds. then pause for 5 seconds. the "level 2" monster spawn 2 seconds and have 1 more health points for 20 seconds. etc

    any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  • Thank you so much| :)

  • box.com/files

  • both of the solution dont work :S

    i dont know if im doing it wrong but here is how i do it.

    Player die only when he gets hit by monster.

    so i do it like that: monster get into collision with player / system creat object / text 'game over' X: windowwidth/2 Y: windowheight/2

    what am i doing wrong?

  • yes

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  • i want the exact opposite. i want the game over sign to appear in the middle of the display whereever i die in the level.

  • i reported it with 10 different account. gogogogo

  • Hello everyone i'm new here and i must say that the software, website, everything is very well done! congratulation!

    I did the first tutorial and now i want to add stuff to it so i can get better without having to worry too much about the design. I want that when i die a GAME OVER text pop in the middle of the screen. Right now im able to make the game over text pop when i get hit by a monster but i dont know how to make the text 'game over' appear in the middle of the screen. Right now i have static position for the text (middle of the whole stage) but if i die in the top corner for exemple, it wont show up because im too far away. Any idea how to fix that?

    Thank you everyone i will have MANY other questions so stay tuned!