I have a similar issue and I can't seem to fix it at all. There are no ads displaying on my test app (tested on a Nexus 5)
In construct 2 r204, I have it set up as:
On start of layout -> Admob -> preloadbanner
Admob -> on banner ad received -> Admob -> Show banner ad at position bottom center size Smart banner(auto,size, recommended)
I've also tried:
On start of layout -> Admob -> Show banner ad at position bottom center size Smart banner(auto,size, recommended)
I doubled checked to make sure that my admob Banner ID is correct with no spaces.
In Intel XDK 2893:
I'm using Crosswalk CLI 5.1.1 with "cordova-plugin-admobpro" plugin.
I've also tried using "cordova-plugin-admob" but I get an error.
Any help on this would be much appreciated.