spectron's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • So as the topic name mentions, whats the most efficent way to make a game with lots of text and buttons ? Like for example, lets say you click a city, you are given lots of clickable options what you want to do. first button - work in the city, second - hire troops, etc.. So my question is whats the most efficent way to create these buttons(many of them) and make each one do unique things. Lets also not forget creating new windows, like "clicking hire tropps" would open a new window with lots of options also. There are lots of ways on how to do these kind of things, so thats why im asking for tips.

  • Alright, so I have my ui layer set to zero scrolling and zero parallax also. I have the text anchored too.

    The problem is, when ex. I spawn some text, it first appears for a brief second on some other position, then quickly goes to its rightful position. How do I make it so that it wouldnt appear anywhere else, but immediately to its rightfull position ? I think I understand why it happens, thouhg not sure - it first appears by the x,y of the layer, then it realizes it is anchored, and accordingly to everything it immediately goes into the correct place.

  • So I been checking out stuff I havent tried yet in construct 2 and I tried using the dictionary. Im a bit confused at what kind of benefits are there to using a dictionary, instead of ex. global variables ?

  • So my game has lots of if conditions and it has gotten to a point where I have to optimize for better performance. 400 npcs walking around, constatly checking if they have a line of sight of enemy and all that stuff. So my question is about the events. if one "if" is negative, does it continue checking the rest ? ex. 5 ifs and the first one doesnt meet the requirements, does the game check the remaining ones or just goes to the next event ?

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  • In the end, I did it as you wrote. Thanks again, much easier and simpler. Though i used a different formula which suits the game quite well - Player.stamina * 2

  • Thanks for the suggestion. If it will seem not possible with the advanced type, ill just do as you said. Though I wish there was some tutorial at least made with the progressBar, its a waste not to have one

  • So I got a little progress bar set up in my game, which represents the players stamina. It works great and now I want to change the style of it, but I see that it wont be such an easy task. After some digging I found that there are websites in where you can customize the style and all, but now the question - How do I load all that into the progress bar so that it would change its looks ?


  • Im somewhat curious, how do game developers price their games/ decide the price for it. Like into what kind of aspects do they look into the most when deciding the amount it will cost ?

  • Thanks for the suggestions. After trying out lots of stuff, I found what was causing the problem. Looks like the npcs didnt like the thing with - if failed to find path, find to random x,y. By disabling it, looks like everything started to work again :)

  • I came across a weird problem while making a game. Enemy npcs are like this - if you arent doing anything, pathfind to a random position(random x,y). If failed to find path, again - pathfing to a random position Once path found, move along it and etc... Everything should work okey, but when the npcs get near the walls, they just stop moving and stand there. I Believe that npcs have found a path, but its in the wall or something like that. and because of that, they arent doing anything. Shouldnt it be "failed to find path" at that moment ? hmmm

  • Hello, I was refered to post here. So basicaly, i have npcs who chase the players when they see him, the ai works great, since in the last few days I was fixing up bugs related to it. The only problem which remains is the pathfinding. No matter what I try, the ai gets stuck in the wall when chasing and turning, ex. I walk around the wall, and sometimes the npcs tries to turn on the corner, but instead goes too deep into it and gets stuck. I have tried - increasing the cell border, that didnt help, tried decreasing it - npcs went into the wall too much and still got stuck. The current solution I have - it does work, but it damages the gameplay. Basicaly I created sprites on top of walls called blockers and made that those sprites would have a path cost of 50. Now the ai usually doesnt get stuck, but instead it starts to "turn like crazy" sometimes when chasing the players when the npcs get near the wall. So, what is the best way to deal with this dilema ?


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  • 11 posts