Specter1981's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Hey plinkie, thanks again. Could you please explain the logic behind it? Why it works like this and it didn't with =90?

  • The latest version of the capx is linked into the original post of this thread. I will also add it again here:


    There are three controls - left, down and right. Left and right substract or add 35 degrees to the skier's bullet angle, down sets the angle to 90 degrees.

    The skier starts at a 90 degree angle, going straight down.

    Press right from the starting position and you have two possible positions: 55 or 20 degrees (then the skier is blocked)

    Press left from the starting position and you have two possible positions: 125 or 160 degrees (then the skier is blocked)

    Now I want a new mechanic - when the angle is 90 degrees, I want the bullet acceleration to be set to 10 so the speed will gradually increase. This works but only partially:

    -on layout start --> OK

    -if I move the skier left or right acceleration goes to 0 --> OK

    -if I press down and the angle is set to 90 degrees acceleration goes to 10 --> OK

    -if I am at 55 or 20 degrees (so sliding right) and press left until I get to 90 degrees the acceleration goes from 0 to 10 --> OK, but not always - if, for example, I was sliding left at 125 degrees and press right twice (so the angle is 90 - 55) then move left once (so the angle is 90 then the acceleration no longer goes to 10 (or it does but only sometimes)

    -if I am at 160 125 degrees (so sliding left) and press right until I get to 90 degrees the acceleration stays at 0 --> NOK, I wanted the acceleration to always go up

    I am not sure what I am doing wrong here or why it's acting like this, it makes no sense...

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  • Ok now I ran into another problem that I can't find any logic answer to. Here it is: I want my guy to increase speed when going straight down the ski slope. I implemented this like so:

    • if hero bullet angle is 90 degrees increase acceleration for the hero bullet to 10 else change acceleration to 0

    Now when the layout begins this works. If I change the direction the speed stops increasing. My problem is that if I come back to 90 degrees (straight down) the speed only increases on two conditions:

    -when changing the angle of movement from right to left and holding the key down (if I shortly press the key the acceleration doesn't increase)

    -when changing the angle of movement by pressing the down key (which automatically sets the angle to 90 degrees)

    I don't understand the logic, this looks like a bug to me... If anyone understands please explain this to me.

  • Thanks! It worked!

  • Hello,

    I am trying to make my guy do down a ski slope. I have implemented basic stuff that is functional up to this point, but now I would like to refine my work and have no idea how.

    Here is the capx:


    So the guy goes down (90 degrees angle for the bullet behaviour) by default or when you press arrow down. If you press left or right on the keyboard he goes left or right (the bullet angle of movement is modified in increments of 35 degrees). What I would like to do is have the guy rotate but not so fluidly - I mean you press left and he goes 35 degrees left, then wait a fraction of a second then move another 35 degrees - I would like to obtain small breaks in between the movements.

    I tried with the wait command but it didn't help.

    Any support or advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • I have been reading around and the general consensus is that if you can use tiled backgrounds / maps / levels then you should by all means use them. Here is an explanation I found useful:

    "So, you want to put nice background into your game, but the picture would be too large and make game very slow. What to do? Slice the picture into tiles!


    If you slice up the picture and reuse same parts in different areas, you have created the tiles. The big picture has much bigger filesize then tiles.

    Other nice feature about tiles is, when you might want to replace part of your background, then you dont have to redraw everything, you can only replace 1 tile. You can reuse the tiles with different objects too. For example you might have tile with grass and another tile with flower on the grass, then you can take same grass background and only draw the flower."

    Original source: http://www.tonypa.pri.ee/tbw/tut00.html

  • Hello,

    So after reading a bit of the manual and doing two tutorials I decided to learn through a bit of action. This is how I created a simple game of pong. The game is complete and functional, but I would like to ask a few questions in hopes that some of the veterans might share better ways of doing things, optimization tips or explanations for stuff I haven't understood. With the proper feedback, I am hoping this post will become a good educational ressource both for me and other noobs who have the patience to read it all (it will be long).

    So the introduction being done, this is the game:


    All the graphics and letters are hand made in gale:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17261636/HostingMisc/PongAlphabetAndGraphics.PNG" border="0">

    I made this decision because I didn't like the fonts I could find in the "Text" element and I didn't like the idea of using google web fonts either. Now the way I did it was by making a drawing of a word. I am sure this can be done in easier ways but don't know how.

    question nr 1:

    When creating your own font, shouldn't it be better to use vector graphics that would scale easier? And if you do use them, how should they be exported so that they are recognized by construct 2 (and how to introduce them in c2)?

    The start menu template contains a moving ball that bounces off the walls - I used the same logic for the main game. When I made it I was inspired by this simple platform game tutorial. Now in the beginning I thought I don't need to use an animation frame since my ball object is simple and has no animations. So I gave it the bullet and bound to layout behaviours and let it go free but it started rotating (the square wouldn't stay in a fixed position while flying through the layout, it would be spawned rotated by the "set angle to random(360)" action. I fixed this by adding the invisible animation frame that would start rotated and then pinning the ball onto it.

    question nr 2:

    Is there a way to spawn an object in a certain position, even if it is supposed to follow a random trajectory?

    In the actual gameplay layout, the most dificult part was the score displaying and keeping. I created two variables that would keep the score of player 1 and player 2 and then I created events for each score-case. You may call it the "brute force" method as I have seen in another good tutorial about creating menus.

    Now I am sure there must be some other, better, faster or easier way of going through multiple case scenarios than comparing each value like I did:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17261636/HostingMisc/PongScore.PNG" border="0">

    So I guess I will leave it at that for now, thanks in advance for your time.

    Best regards.

  • Hello,

    My name is Iancu. I currently work as a sysadmin.

    Up to this point in my life I have done and sampled many things, but now I am bound by a "work - home - sleep - redo" routine that I am not particularly fond of. So I am trying to gather my strength to achieve something I have been dreaming a lot about - tell my own stories through video-games, which I consider to be a formidable form of artwork.

    I found construct 2 while searching for 2d game making engines. What attracted me about it was the positive reviews (the word simplicity and visual interface helped a lot, since I am no programmer). Oh and I like the fact that there is a friendly comunity here too.

    I have completed a few tutorials, I have created a small game of my own and I must say I like construct and the way it works - I like it a lot. I just hope it is able to do more than just simple platform and arcade stuff, but those are things yet to be discovered. So hopefully I will be around for a long time.



  • 8 posts