spatial tactics's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • examples of map-based turn based tactics game are:

    * xcom

    * fire emblem

    * ff tactics

    * etc

    there's alot of ppl that dont understand what turn based tactics games are

    --> see

    1) have you made a prototype map-based turn based tactics game yet?

    2) do any of you where to find where to find list of map-based turn based tactics games made with this tool?

    i want to know how many hours about it'd take to make a very very basic map-based turn based tactics game

    very basic = minimal graphics, no sound needed etc. 2d or w/e, etc etc

    3) for ppl that understands this tool well, is this even the best option to make a very minimal map-based turn based tactics game?

  • android when commute

    that's intersing ppl are able to use mobile for complex/complicated making of stuff

    "attach" one sprite to another.


    dunno what 'sprite' is or any of this, but i guess it likely doesnt matter atm

    does anyone have advise on next steps?

    so what is suggested now?

    do i try construct 2 or is it way inferior that i should try the demo of construct 3, or is that so limited and you wont really understand anything and you should try construct 2?

  • pinning better than gamemaker

    i assume you're talking about the dragdrop of both, is there an example of 'pinning' we could see anywhere? and why it better or easier?

    maybe a youtube or gif shows it?

    i hope construct engine is better than the site cos the site / forum is terrible in MANY ways

    but the ppl are clearly helpful

    and the bold formmating of the text is not even showing....

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • 'a lot of people prototype in construct and then use gamemaker or unity for the full game.'

    this is informative info

    need to make art, music, logic, UI, etc.

    i dont it's simple minimal as said in post

    the 'programming' via dragdrop and ui yes (cos ui is needed even in simple minimal)

    ' takes longer to mastered them'

    all takes very very long time to do

    that is a helpful answer

    , incredibly hard

    that is a helpful answer

    tried to get into several engines like GMS2, Unity, etc. and did some beginner tutorials

    not supa important but how many years or so ago?

    so what is suggested now? do i try construct 2 or is it way inferior that i should try the demo of construct 3, or is that so limited and you wont really understand anything and you should try construct 2?

  • 'GameSalad is mostly preferred to work while Buildbox accommodates all of the requirements a user has'

    so 'GameSalad' is easier? than 'Buildbox' in case we need that

  • 'a little advanced 'construct is the easiest.'

    why basically? the question asked what's the key positives negatives of the 2d engines you've used recently?

    'out of any of the engines i've tried.'

    you didn't say what you've used, or why

    construct 3 > construct > for maps?

    'Construct 3 is the best for map games'


  • have you used different 2d engines recently, say within the last year to 6 months or so?

    if so, you'll likely be able to help

    the goal is to see how simple (how hard) how many hours it'd take to prototype/make

    - a simple minimal turn based spatial tactics game

    - examples of turn based spatial tactics game are xcom, ff tactics, fire emblem, etc

    - these kinds of games have the spatial element of a map/area

    for users like me that has never used these things before and knows nothing about this stuff

    - what's the key positives negatives of the 2d engines you've used recently?

    looking for easiest simplest to use

    - i want to focus the simple minimal spatial tactics on multiplayer but that'll be later on

    - are there any sites/places you recommend where there would be ppl that would know this?

    are there anyone here used 2d engines to be able to know which is easiest to use / learn?

  • 7 posts