spacedoubt's Forum Posts

  • Just a thought (don't have the plugins, so can't see your capx), have you messed with the cell size and cell border setting of the pathfinding behavior? (or do those plugins replace pathfinding?)

  • One more thought.. Are your buttons on a layer with parallax?

    From the "Button" section of the manual:

    Form controls position themselves according to the layer parallax, scale and so on. However they are not truly "in the game" (since they float above), so it is recommended to avoid using scrolling, parallax and layer scaling with form controls, otherwise the end result can feel unnatural.

  • Not positive, but this probably has to do with your layout scaling.

    If it is, this might help ya out: ... reen-sizes

  • The quickest way I found to fix your bullet direction was to put a sub-event under the z key event, that says:

    if portalmanimage is mirrored, set bullet angle of motion to 180.

    and to fix the rate of fire to a single shot per button press., change "z is down" to "z is pressed"

    the X key isn't doing anything, There's so much going on there, I'm not going to try and decipher it.

    But I'm guessing you don't need all of those sub events under there. I might be wrong, though... Just not really sure what's going on there.

    Anyways, hope that helps ya some..

  • Messed with it a bit further.. It's definitely the platform thing.

    Try setting the image point on your car sprite to the very bottom.

  • I copied your code except I replaced the on platform landed with a mouse click for quick testing, and I can't get it to do anything ******** just a simple shrink then grow back to size...

    so either it's something to do with landing on the platform or something else entirely..

    maybe as it's landing on the platform, it's setting bounce back to 1 a few times, which might cause the ******* thing to happen..

    sidenote: I don't believe the every tick events are necessary.

  • Thanks for the responses.

    Ironically enough, i went ahead and installed the beta on another computer that i don't usually use. I then decided to update the graphics drivers as recommended which led to a blue screen of death... Ha!

    Fairly certain its amd catalyst's fault and not C2's, but oh, the irony!

  • Are there any significant reasons not to use r175?

    I'm in the habit of always using stable releases cause I'm terrified I'll be the one who discovers the bug that makes you lose all your hard work..

    Is this a real concern, or am I just being paranoid?

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  • I think "pick" is the word you're looking for.

    search the forums/manual/tutorials for pick and UID and see if you can't find what you're looking for.

    and if you can't, let me know, and I'll see what I can do!

  • Well, what is the sprite's angle variable for, if not to change the sprite's angle? is there an angle of motion involved? I'm not quite clear on what exactly you're trying to do.. maybe try changing the "set angle" on whatever you're using to make them move.

  • if projectile.count > X

    pick nth(0) instance ---------destroy

    that do it?

  • could you make the reflective side a separate sprite from the other 3 sides with on collision send laser to the next object?

  • see if this helps: ... zes/page-2

    if not, maybe post a .capx and i'll take a look.

  • You just need to set your animation speed to 0.

  • I don't know if this helps, but If i disable your last event, the "for each node" one it pretty much solves the framerate problem.

    maybe try finding a way to only generate that text for each new node, instead of every node every time?

    or maybe the node could have animation frames each with the next number, and you could just up the frame each node?

    from the "Performance Tips" section of the manual:

    Change the size or text of a Text object every tick - even just for an animation or transition - will likely produce poor performance, especially on mobile devices. The problem is even worse if the text object is large. Text rendering is very fast as long as the object is not changing, but upon changing the object must do a relatively expensive redraw of the text and replacement of the cached texture. Try to use small Text objects that do not change regularly. If you must change text regularly, consider using a Sprite Font instead, which is fast even when it changes every tick.