Space Ape's Forum Posts

  • Hey dino. I'm assuming you want the # of carrots left to change as the player puts carrots in the box, right?

    You'll need a separate variable to track the difference between the # of carrots needed and the # in the box, re-calculating whenever a carrot is put in the box (or every tick, if that's easier). Right now, you don't have a variable that tracks the changing "# of carrots needed".

    You'll also need to change the # that's displayed to match the number of carrots left. Because you use images, that could be a a lot of work; you are moving images into and out of the layout during the game. It might be better to put all the # images into a single animation and just change the animation frame to match the # of carrots remaining.

    I can see how that was frustrating! It took me a while to locate the problem; sometimes we are blind to our own work.

    Take care, dino, and let me know how it goes!

    Edit: Let me know if you'd like some help and I'll work on making the changes suggested. I'm using the latest build (r111, I think).

  • Ha! I feel like such a simpleton now.

    I just understood it as 'rotate 90 degrees clockwise'; clockwise, to the right, seems a reasonable direction to rotate. X and Y move from the top-left corner, tracking # pixels moved from that position: right and down, since there's nowhere else to go.

    Sqiddster's talking about trig and I'm basically counting on my fingers. It just goes to show that Construct caters to all, even the "duh" folks. :)

  • Jayderyu is likely a better expert to consult, but based on your initial message I'd double-check what's happening with the variables.

    You said the game resets the variables, correct? Wouldn't that reset the 'lives' variable, as well? So the number would never change because it's being put back to the original number every time. It might be extremely difficult to manage a 'lives' number if you have to reset variables all the time.

    You could use the WebStorage function to load/save the number of lives before doing the reset.

  • LOL... no need to apologize, hudt5! By all means, ask your questions, but try to do the work yourself so you can figure it out. Does that make sense?

    I ask questions about this stuff all the time! I hope you do, too.

    Let us know if you can get that scrolling to work!

  • Hello dino.

    When you setup the global variable, maxCarrots, did you check the 'constant' box? Double-check to make sure it's not something that's fixed. Also, do you have any events that are re-setting the variables or making maxCarrots reset during the game?

    Based on the screenshot, it looks fine, but it's hard to tell if anything is interfering with the event. Make sure there's no other events interfering with the maxCarrots variable.

    I was pulling hair out over a similar problem and eventually discovered that I had another event that was triggering when I clicked on something and it also modified the same variable.

  • Hello hudt5. I just wanted to suggest that you try to do it yourself. Even if you mess up, get in there and give it a shot. Read the manual; search for the topics in the manual that you need help on; check the tutorials on this website; search the forum for related topics.

    I only suggest this because you'll get better at using Construct the more you mess with it--even if you mess it up.

  • Hey Bammy!

    Have you used the Anchor behavior to get the HUD elements to stay in place (assuming the elements are at edges)? Also check the visibility for the HUD elements and layer that they're on.

    Let us know how it goes, bro!

  • Thanks a bunch, kyatric! At least I know where to start now. It's very odd that two systems, my desktop and laptop, both exhibit the same behavior after FF 17.0.1 updated--no extensions or plugins aside from Flash and Java.

    The WASD from Ghost Shooter is the same as I used in this one. Thanks for pointing it out, as there are some other good ideas in there.

    Again, thanks for confirming it as a local issue and I'll start with your suggestions and see what happens.

    Cheers, amigo.

  • Yes sir, I was working on that one! :) The capx is a little messy, so I was worried it wouldn't be helpful to someone taking a look (I was trying to clean it up a bit). I do have the HTML5 game exported on dropbox for friends and family to test, if you'd like to give it a whirl. I'm getting the same behavior in FF even running it exported.

    * Sorry, couldn't post hyperlinks due to low Rep! :)

  • Hey Ash, I had a question about this one. If using a local variable marked as static, will the value persist if the game moves to a different layout and then comes back to the one with the static local variable? Do these static locals reset if the layout changes?

  • I wouldn't mind hearing some first-hand accounts as well, since I'd love to pursue this angle--huge market out there. I've read a lot mixed accounts of the experience and that concerns me. C2 is freakin amazing with web games, which is a great start.

  • I think that'd be a great test. I have a low-spec laptop and a netbook to test on and it's really helpful to gauge performance. C2-developed games run through Chrome actually run OK on a netbook, which was shocking too me.

    Good luck, dude.

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  • Hey Kyatric! Thanks for the reply, amigo.

    I made sure FF was updated to 17.0.1, so that's not the case. Maybe it is something with the English version, but I don't know how to verify that one.

    I re-made the ghost hunter tutorial game while learning C2 and added WASD movement as simulated 8-direction movement. Whether I preview it on Firefox or export it as HTML5 game, it bugs out--doesn't seem to matter how I do it. I know it's not Construct, as Chrome and IE9 execute the moving perfectly (though IE9 is sloooooow).

    I'm trying to think of what else could be causing it as it doesn't seem this behavior was experienced by anyone else. I tried the 3 browsers on a desktop, laptop, and netbook with the same results.

    Also, I'll check with Mozilla and see if I can get anything from there--thanks for the suggestion, Kyatric.

    Is there any other way to simulate key presses in C2? Is it possible to map WASD to the arrow keys, so W corresponds to an 'UP' key press rather than 8-way movement, or is that the same thing?

    Thanks again for your help, guys! I'm thoroughly impressed with Construct; it easily beats the other tools available for game-making.

  • Hey Ashley! First off, nice to meet you.

    Yes, I'm sure there's no add-on. I did some research and found that this is actually a feature in Firefox. The 'quick find' bar comes up with a forward slash or apostrophe key press, neither of which are being triggered in the game.

    I can't seem to figure out what is causing the quick find bar to pop up, but when it does, all keyboard input goes into that; in my case, the WASD movement keys appear as a repeating string in the quick find, preventing the player movement.

    There's no dual-keys or other weird keyboard problems on my laptop, and no problems with movement in IE9 or Chrome.

    The capx file is pretty huge and a little messy. I was able to duplicate it in firefox by just making the basic 'ghost hunter' demo game and using WASD simulated 8-way movement.

    Thanks for the response, Ashley. If you or anyone else encounters this and has a solution, I'd be much obliged.

  • Greetings!

    I didn't see this one in the forums, so I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this one.

    I'm working on a top-down shooter using basic 8-directional movement but also allowing the WASD keys (in addition to arrows) for movement. The movement with both sets of keys works fine in Chrome and IE9, but Firefox completely bugs out. When the WASD keys are used, the Firefox 'quick find' bar pops up on the bottom and movement gets screwy after that.

    I can disable the quick find on my end, but not everyone using it is going to know how to do so. Anyone else ever see this?

    It can be replicated by making a sprite with 8-direction and then programming WASD to simulate the 8-direction movement. I'm using the latest Firefox version (just updated before testing game, version 17, I think).

    If anyone has seen this, is there a solution other than taking out the simulated movement?
