SonicWorms's Forum Posts

  • the shields and springs act weird . as for Sonic's movement it seems to work fine

  • Please reupload this effect, link do not funct....<!-- s:( --><img src="SMILIES_PATH/icon_sad.gif" border="0" alt=":(" title="Sad"><!-- s:( -->

    good thing I still have a copy of this.


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • may i point out that most people only have 1 monitor per pc. a lot of people won't be able to play this.

  • i recommend that ether you make your own sprites or look for LGPL or public domain sprites.

    dissipate the fact that i can't draw good. most of the sprites in my games were made by me.

    here are some sites:

    Sprites/Graphics: : make sure the art is ether LGPL or CC0 otherwise(GPL or Creative Commons share alike ) you"ll need to share your game's cap file.

    http:// not much of a variety.


  • how do i include more event sheets ?

    edit: nevermind i found it

  • does phpbb have "a stopforumspam" or "Akismet" plug ins?

  • here is my comparison based on my experience with the 3 programs.

    Game Maker 8:

    strengths :'s not as limited as people claim. I've there are a lot of good games made with it.

    2.GML(Game Maker language) is rather easy. definitely easier then Python.

    3.all events and actions are object based. meaning that, you don't need to reprogram the object for every room,layout or frame.

    4.all resources are kept in the project file

    5. *has a built in save function

    weakness: attracts a lot of noob and 8 year olds because of it's easy to use DnD system .

    1a. the site(yoyogames) if full garbage that out numbers and obscures most of the decent and better games. can be avoided by posting games on the gmc(Game Maker community ) instead.

    1b.noobs can't take constructive criticism.

    2. not so long ago a person released a decompiler for Game maker 8 which can take an EXE and convert it back into a GMK . however some one also made an anti-decompiler which works.

    2b. anti-decompiler isn't very easy to find by that i mean it's not in the game maker download page

    3.yoyogames has yet to address this issue. there are to busy with there yoyostore.

    4. games eat up a lot of ram

    *5. the save function doesn't work good if you save during a level

    6. most extension are useless.

    7.GML can be come a bit hard later on

    The Games Factory 2/Multimedia Fusion 2/Developer

    strengths :

    1. Games consume much less ram and space.

    2.most resources are kept in the project file.

    3.does not have any written programing language.

    4. has good extensions .

    5. some tasks such parallax are much easier in MMF2 then in game maker.

    6. has useful easier objects that game maker has alternatives to.

    7. doesn't attract as much noobs


    1. expensive even the most simplest edition TGF2 cost about 56 bucks the developer edition cost over 200 bucks .

    2.lack a drawing event which is something i need for a series of games.


    strengths :

    1. everything i said about multimedia fusion 2.

    with addition of

    2.bugs get fixed a lot faster

    3. is free

    4. all extension are useful and work.

    5.all games upload here so far are good with effort put to them .

    6.the behavior system is superior to MMF2's.


    1. some resources such as sound and music aren't kept in the project file"ll need multiple sound objects in order to play sound FX simultaneously with music.

    -the end-

    also I"m planing to make a game with Construct. but, i"m a bad artist and even worst at making music. that's the only thing preventing me from using construct.

  • maybe it's possible to do this using drupal and with few modules .

    you can restrict the full versions to Premium Members . or if you want to sell each game separate the might be a paypal/ubercart modules for that. but then again i didn't do this before(my games are free).but, I"m sure it's possible

  • I think the creation forum should be kept as it is, but should also contain a Completed Projects section.


  • Wouldn't that go for help topics? like beginner questions, intermediate and advanced help topics? but for creation I would put it like this.

    W.I.P. Creations

    Demo Creations

    Prototype Creations

    Abandoned Creations and Finished Creations

    I find that a better idea.

    may i ask what is the difference between Prototype Creations and W.I.P. Creations?

    it's pretty much the same thing if you ask me.

  • does construct support midis?

  • > I wish there was a 3D equivelent that's as easy to use as Construct.



    Unity 3d is nowhere Near as easy as Construct is. you still require knowledge in programing language such as C# and Javascript in order to Accomplish anything decent.

    [quote:3w1frdjq]3D equivelent that's as easy to use as Construct

    I don't think that there is such a thing.

  • i don't think it's possible with construct .

  • i guess that the bone movement effects every instance of the enemy object .

  • i highly recommend that you try and experiment until you get what you want .