Somebody's Forum Posts

  • Oh, and different loop types would be nice. Like ping-pong, ramp up, ramp down.

    Ah, now this actually sounds different from Sine and pretty decent. Could have some nice effects with that.

    We're past that now. It's going to be made so you may as well embrace it. At this point it's about finding functionality that would justify it's existence.

    Yeah, this is kinda weird - saying over and over how it can be done with events, private variables, etc. Maybe I'm lazy or maybe I just want to, you know, design stuff, but adding variables to everything, adding extra events, changing that stuff to check minor details - doesn't sound all that fun.

    If someone doesn't like the idea of a behavior - well, don't use it - use events and everyone's happy.

    Never had any problems with Fade, though and it's used A LOT here.

  • Yup, pure white screen here as well. I had that once when a canvas object was acting weird or a layer has some FX and needs to have "Force own texture" enabled.

  • Heh, quite the game indeed

    (Also can someone point me to a tutorial on how to get soundfiles actually embedded in the .exe? Because I've seen it done and this 'separate folder for sounds' -stuff is a bit cumbersome.)

    Go to Project tab and add the sounds to the Files folder - they will be stored inside your project just like the graphics. Then use Play Resource.

    There are also Music and Sounds folders there, but those apparently don't work yet.

  • Yes I have, but let's have an example - in my little shmup a scale effect might be used for the following things - impact sparks, powerups, damaged enemy ships, active enemy ships, explosion parts, background items and something more I quite possibly haven't thought up yet. Each of those may have several sub categories which require different scaling, etc.

    So how many families was that already?

    It's not that I don't know how to use it - the little example showed that it can work just fine ( with events alone, but it's NOT easy and straightforward. Which is always a plus

    Following the same logic - why are there a Rotate or Fade behaviors - easy to do with events as well. But so much faster to just throw them in.

  • Besides 3D games already have several high-end engines, the development resources required for a decent modern result are massive and I suspect there's less people with the necessary skillset in the user base of such a "Friendly" tool like construct.

    I think it's great that Construct is focusing on an awesome development platform for 2D while employing hardware acceleration and shaders. There's still plenty to improve as well, apart from adding 3D stuff.

  • Why would you want a behavior, that cant do what events can with just a few lines?

    Few lines PER OBJECT... When you have dozens of unique objects you might want to use this with that adds up. When you want to change the scale speed - that adds up again. Want to try something different - more work.

    The idea behind construct is to make people do LESS coding, so why not like this? Simple, quick, easy. Want to do more - you can. Don't want to - don't have to.

  • If you guys mean you want your bullets always facing up then you can draw them facing up and set the Rotation property in the sidebar to "No rotation."

    Ok, I got hired by a shady government agency to create the most unnecessary explanation illustration ever, here's the first attempt:

    <img src="">

    The thing is - the default angle happens to be sideways to the right. It's geometrically correct, it's great for a platformer, BUT... what if your entire game takes place while moving up? Of course you design your sprites for such a viewpoint, you do the design mockups like that, you THINK vertically. Then you insert the graphics and get to do a 90 degree counterclockwise turn for pretty much everything.

    That or design sideways...

    <img src="">

    Edit: Yeah, forgot my point somewhere there... it would be AWESOME to be able to set the "world direction" for a given layout (even in 90 degree increments). Would make life so much easier for shmupmakers.

  • Perhaps a Loop setting, for pulsing things.

    But the sine behavior already does this really well?

    You might want to have a tick for use current height/ width, or use original height/ width.

    I'd say that's starting to look like feature luggage (as a user you already set the size so you probably want it at that size and then scaled in proportion to that size) - it'd be nice to have it real clean and tight, just like the Fade behavior (yeah, I like it ). But then again it's all up to linkman right now. And any version would be great anyway.

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  • -Firstly, is there a way to change the 'facing' for an object, without rotating the object itself. For instance, I'm making a shooter, and when bullets are spawned they move in the direction of the facing. However, it seems that the facing defaults to the right, and I want them facing up. I worked around it by drawing up all my sprites facing to the right and then rotating them in construct, but I was just wondering if there was an easier way around this that I was missing.

    Yeah, have the same thing going on here since I'm also sort-of making a vertical shmup - always turning the art 90 degrees counterclockwise is a bummer, but I'm almost used to it. Maybe someone will give a solution, who knows.

    -Secondly, the wrap behaviour doesn't seem to be working for me. It wraps both vertically and horizontally, even when I only have horizontally ticked. Also, is there a way for me to block moving off the edges at all, instead of wrapping or just going on forever?

    At first I thought about the old fashioned way of doing this with an "If Ship.X > PlayAreaWidth" etc, but then realized it's not really necessary, this is easier and faster:

    + System: Always (every tick)
    -> Player: Set X to clamp(Player.X,40,600)[/code:1ierckm0]
    Clamp is a great function - it basically limits the value to whatever you want - in this case it's a minimum of 40 and a maximum of 600 pixels so your ship stops a little before the outer edge. Do the same for Y and you are set.

    -Lastly, I'm having trouble using the else function. When you destroy a rock, there's a random chance that a powerup will show up. Then, there's a random chance that it will be such-and-such powerup, and then there's a random chance that it will be this powerup, or that one. Or at least, that's what's meant to happen, but I can't get it to work.

    I'd say don't try to do this with a lot of ELSEs - try just setting some variable to a random value and then do checks on that.

    I'm being a little vague here to inspire learning, heh, heh

    P.S. Look into using groups in your cap - really helps hold it all together and have a clearer overview of what's going on.

  • I'll have time to work on this come Tuesday, but it would be helpful if you could pull together a list of actions that you'd like to see before then. It would also be helpful if you could be as descriptive as possible about each one that way I don't make the plugin in a way that seems fine to me but odd to others.

    Ok, I'll give it a shot - surely others may have ideas as well, but here's how I'd see it (having taken a big knife to the initial description and trimmed off all the fat):

    I'll use a mockup of how it may look in the editor, seems to help with describing it. So Anyhow:

    <img src="">

    Basically like the Fade behavior, but for Scaling. Let's go over the options:

    Activate at startup - same as Fade.

    Scale over time - if this is greater than 0 then it's an animated scale and you set the time in ms to go from current size to the new one.

    Horizontal Scale (px or %) and Vertical Scale (px or %) - this would be the meat and potatoes right here - if it could understand % then there's no need for a separate proportional scale behavior - just set both Horizontal and Vertical Scale to, say, 150% and you get proportional scaling.

    Set the size in pixels and it scales to that (up or down, as needed).

    Destroy afterwards - same as Fade. So you could have it scale to 1 px and then disappear. Or combine with Fade, scale to 200% or more and get some nice puffs of smoke.

    Show in Layout Editor - Not sure if this can be done, but it would be cool - check this to see the end size of the scale - would help with some decisions without starting the layout all the time.

    Now onto the editor side:

    <img src="">

    I'm not sure if a separate Set Up window is possible, looks like all the Behaviors so far use single-link settings. So just a mock-up for that. Should work the same here - enter scale in pixels or %, etc.

    As for Conditions - not sure if On Scale start is necessary, since mostly it would already be there because of some event. On Scale complete could be useful, though.

    Well, that's the idea - hopefully it's not looking too imposing and not too much like terrible linkman exploitation on my part I'd gladly help with something within my skillset (mostly graphics work), that's for sure.

  • How about ? Real handy, just put a file in the "Public" folder, right click and get a public link. Also pure gold if you have several computers and/or want a easy online backup solution.

    Seems to be the method of choice for many users here as well.

  • Weird, I can never download anything from your links, madster. Just get a Server not found error and that's it. Guess it's the DNS server here.

  • Because of all this talk about how easy it is to get the same effect using lerp, timedelta, etc. I decided to give it a try. And while it's certainly possible it's at the same time sort-of cumbersome and would REALLY benefit from a nice and easy behavior plugin

    Still, the result is interesting, check it out here, if you please:

    It's an exe, since it uses the latest unstable build and an extra effect. The Escape key will eject you and the R key will do something as well.

    Might just turn it into a full little game, above all if this behavior becomes available, heh, heh.

  • Hmm, plugins and mass destruction... I was more like hoping for something nice and easy, like Construct itself mostly is.

    Well, can always limit the number of worms to one, but that's no fun...

    Will try to figure it out anyway.

  • And now a cool chain/snake example for python

    Tomorrow I will explain how it works.

    And you never did...

    Seriously, though, thanks for the awesome example - just what I needed for a certain effect. I did a small test cap using this (and some extras):

    Latest unstable version - so 99.82 and it does a not too necessary PS2.0 effect on the layer so in case your graphics card doesn't like it - that's the reason.

    And the main question now is - how to make instances? Like several plasma worms? Give them unique Variables and do a For Each based on that or something? Can't figure it out...