Somebody's Forum Posts

  • Well, in this case I use a for each loop to give the orbiting objects random behaviours - if you want specific behaviours you'll have to adjust them by hand for each object, but this seems to do pretty much what you explained in the initial post.

    Grab the cap here (needs the Orbiter behaviour).

  • Not straight up problems, it's usable, just that you need to move the mouse to a corner to see that you need to press Enter to start and such are not too user-friendly. A fully mouse-based interface with buttons would help.

    Same with entering the amount of things by hand, etc.

  • I know for a fact that the Orbiter behaviour is perfect for this sort of task. I had a plane orbited by several evenly spaced thingies no problem. So just look into it.

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  • Unfortunately your images don't show up - you might want to use something like imgur to share them. imgur is really easy, just upload, get a link, done. No registration, nothing.

    The project itself seems quite complex, although the interface has some issues. Looks like a lot of work, either way.

    Keep it up, udachi.

  • Nice little example. Sometimes you just want to see the contents of your entire array and this does just that.

  • Ok, here we go:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I'm pretty sure this gets asked and answered quite often.

    Click outside the layout, so nothing is selected, now on the left side panel click Application: Properties - Scroll down to Controls if necessary - the rest should be self-explanatory.

  • Yeah, I noticed that, guess it's all about mouse movement speed. Still, it's better than the previous one, so there's some progress. Also each improvement will go into the following tools so by the end somewhere there should be some pretty interesting things.

    It certainly helps to plan things out a bit and then implement them in Construct, even though it seems so quick and easy there's a temptation to just do it. But planning pays off. On that note... EXCLUSIVE BEHIND THE SCENES IMAGE: <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Fantastic suggestion, thanks, PixelRebirth!

    And with that we get versions 0.3 of both FlareGEN and FlashGEN:

    <img src="" border="0"><img src="" border="0">

    New interface is just one of the improvements - better sliders, better inner logic (less stupid maths, hopefully), the ability to set the size for the exported/copied images, proper flash generation (now with new and improved controls - just click the dice a couple of times to see what they do).

    In CAP form, as usual, at the usual place: FlareGEN and FlashGEN. Enjoy, more comments and/or suggestions welcome.

  • Pretty neat, lots of potential.

    BUT... is it BOOM or BLOOM? Because Boom is totally taken in the future... <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Seriously, though, well done, could be quite useful to many I suspect.

  • Wow, that sure was simple <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle"> I hadn't tried the dialog options so thought it'd be trickier, d'oh.

    Anyways, I made another little tool, similar to this, just for a different effect:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Good for impacts or explosions centres and such. It's a little rough, might improve it later. It's here.

  • Thanks for the kind words, guys.

    Small update:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    A tool should inspire so for those moments when the inspiration's running low there's now a Random feature, shown by the dice button. Keep clicking and get ever new random Flares until something suits your fancy.

    allesandroLino - mind sharing the file dialog version?

  • Hey, everybody.

    I like shiny things and suspect there are more weirdos like that out there somewhere. Thing is - when you want to add that nice shiny thing to your game you have to go out there, draw that gradient, then layer another one, then, possibly, adjust things and save it, try it out, then do some more... It's a chore.

    So here I was sitting in the chat, when tulamide comes in with something that's using the canvas object and suddenly it struck me - why not make something that generates these shiny things?

    BAM! Coupla hours later (and thanks to tulamide again, pointed out one stupid mistake there) here it is:

    <img src="" border="0">

    It's quite simple, you drag the sliders, this pops out:

    <img src="" border="0"> <img src="" border="0"> <img src="" border="0">

    If you left click the top where the preview is you get a flare in your clipboard, if you right click it then you get a Flare.png in the same directory and in that case it actually has an alpha channel and is even better:

    <img src="" border="0">

    So here it is - the cap itself, use it if you please. There are no colour options or such since the idea is that you'd use these as simple glow/flare sprites mostly and add colour via the Filter option.


    Edit: I have updated the code with full comments so maybe, simple as it is, it could help someone with learning Construct.

    Edit Edit: So here's versions 0.4 of both FlareGEN and FlashGEN.

  • I would make an outline of what you want, then put that in the centre of a transparent container with a nice power-of-two size (like 64x64 or 128x128 pixels - Construct loves that) and export as PNG, which allows transparency.

    Construct - I used it a bit about a year ago, then took a break and now I'm trying to finally finish something for a change. It's a work in progress, very rough for now.

    Tracing - just had the bitmaps there, drew right on top of them.

  • That's pretty cool - one thing I'd look into would be to draw the ships in some vector program, like, say, Inkscape, the result would be cleaner, sharper lines, tike this.

    But that's purely aesthetic, so of no significance, really.