Hey, everybody.
I like shiny things and suspect there are more weirdos like that out there somewhere. Thing is - when you want to add that nice shiny thing to your game you have to go out there, draw that gradient, then layer another one, then, possibly, adjust things and save it, try it out, then do some more... It's a chore.
So here I was sitting in the chat, when tulamide comes in with something that's using the canvas object and suddenly it struck me - why not make something that generates these shiny things?
BAM! Coupla hours later (and thanks to tulamide again, pointed out one stupid mistake there) here it is:
<img src="http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg36/some9000/FlareGeneratorDX9runtime.png" border="0">
It's quite simple, you drag the sliders, this pops out:
<img src="http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg36/some9000/A-1.png" border="0"> <img src="http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg36/some9000/B-1.png" border="0"> <img src="http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg36/some9000/C.png" border="0">
If you left click the top where the preview is you get a flare in your clipboard, if you right click it then you get a Flare.png in the same directory and in that case it actually has an alpha channel and is even better:
<img src="http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg36/some9000/Flare.png" border="0">
So here it is - the cap itself, use it if you please. There are no colour options or such since the idea is that you'd use these as simple glow/flare sprites mostly and add colour via the Filter option.
Edit: I have updated the code with full comments so maybe, simple as it is, it could help someone with learning Construct.
Edit Edit: So here's versions 0.4 of both FlareGEN and FlashGEN.