Somebody's Forum Posts

  • [quote:28ba0t16]Glad to help. Let me know if you need anything else.

    Now that's service! Seriously, though, if I ever actually get further with the project, there are many things I suck at (like anything net-related (ads, etc), optimizations, etc). Might be something to cooperate on and split the rewards (hohoho).

  • Awesome example, "loopindex" is going to help me A LOT.

    Was planning to make dummy objects on a layout that spawn enemies in different ways - this function example is great, because I can make the dummy object call a function when it enters screen (or close to it) and give its private variables as function variables.

    Why do you "floor" the random angle, btw? Just so it isn't a float?

    [quote:3nwem2v8]Nice sprites, by the way... Did you made those yourself?

    Yup, everything is self-made there.

  • Just did some testing, will have to see how it pans out with multiple objects, but so far so good:

    Thanks again brunopalermo !

  • That sounds like exactly what I need! It also sounds like that only works at runtime so larger objects would need to be fully designed, then image points placed or coordinates put down and then the sub-objects added.

    Still, it has the most important functionality. Thanks for the tip!

  • Hello, all. I have been using containers for simple tasks, but the question is - can they successfully be used for more complex combined objects, let's say, something like this (a classis shmup example):

    We have our large base image and multiple objects of the same type attached to it, which function independently:

    And then have the ability to independently destroy those objects too:

    What would be the best way to achieve this? And, preferably, with multiple "depths" i.e. A huge plane with several turrets in wings where the turrets can be shot off, then the wing itself, but the rest keeps going.

  • Kyat, I must admit, for someone coming back after a pause this thing is better than sliced bread. Well done!

  • Seems to base it on you having clicked on the download link when logged on here. For example I haven't installed all of them, but got the smallest badge after latest download.

  • Depending on your location you can get a decent i3 based laptop cheaper than most dodgy tablets. Better screen resolution and once you save up a bit upgrade to 4 or 8 Gb of RAM and it's smooth sailing from there.

    When you buy inferior tech you basically just lose money in the long term. Better to save up a bit and then not regret it later.

  • So why not a laptop? Potentially a lot more powerful, with a keyboard and ability to plug in a mouse?

    I have nothing against tablets, have one myself, but for development it just seems like asking for trouble (and a high level of discomfort).

    For what it's worth here are the Chinese cheapies: Link

  • You could get a Chinese made Windows 7 tablet that has a slow Atom CPU, a crappy graphics card and a fairly low res screen. But would it really be worth it? (And would cost you about 5-600 bucks if you know where to look).

    Why do you need a tablet to run Construct 2 anyways?

  • That was never implemented in CC natively, but you can use R0J0hound's awesome Resource Plugin. I have tested it, works very nicely with fonts.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Well, yeah, non-locked in ones for sure, or, actually I just got this idea:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Perhaps a little less handy, but why not put Layers in with all the objects in the Expression box? Perhaps separate them a little (along with system).

  • Hey, all.

    I know Ash has a todo list long enough to wrap around Earth twice, but something workflow related has popped up that could really ease the suffering that comes with adding unplanned layers. Here:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    A drop down menu to pick a layer instead of typing the full name every time.

    Now an option to change the numbered layers to named ones automagically would be the bomb, but that may be too tricky. While this... seems rather easy, eh?

    Thanks for looking!

  • Also, zenox98 - those 20-30 minutes would be necessary for EACH ITERATION of an animation. So what you are essentially suggesting is - if I tweak the animation I get the super fun times of doing it by hand all over again. And this every time an animation changes, which can be quite often, really.

  • Exactly! Autopolies for each and every frame would be great.