Somebody's Forum Posts

  • Your problem is probably the same as this:

    In which case I guess there's hope for the next version?

  • Mild bump.

  • They did postede it on twitter 4 hours ago, but I get what you mean, a sort of listing of what to star to help and why would be nice to have sometimes, as it is kind of hard to keep up for the people that are not versed into browsers bugs reports systems.

    Or aren't into all that twitter rubbish... or aren't on the forums... or facebook or whatever. I have been saying C2 should have a live element on that startup screen that shows important things, like this - When compared to the daily and total downloads the forum users are but a drip in an ocean - get a bigger chunk of the userbase to participate - it may not have a huge impact for a beast the scale of Google, but it should help get some (more) attention.

  • You know, if only someone from Scirra put these things into their blog posts/promotional e-mails or similar - perhaps these problems with an important element of their desktop deployment system would get sorted faster... Just a thought.

  • You might want to reach out to the author of this? hazneliel

  • Also, not having an official todo list is causing an uncertainty about the future of C2 and what can we expect from it.

    How about Scirra make a public todo where features can be upvoted or downvoted, but the votes have a "weight" based on the users rep, for example. Having a paid license doubles your rep. That may just be a way to avoid the sour MP experience and actually prioritise the features the real community (and not a single person - as talented that person may be) consider important/beneficial? And if a talented dev comes out of hiding and says "well, I feel gimped with this rep system" - if they have a project to show allot a certain rep for that as well - probably wouldn't be that much different from the daily mod activities.

  • Alright, built another effect, this one took some testing, but eventually came out usable - Tabletop (are the names getting weird yet?)

    It basically shifts the image in "perspective" just with 0 regard to any perspective laws. You can use it as a poor man's taper if you wish. Not bad for interfaces as seen in the example GIF.

    Added to first page and distro.

    NOTE: I feel like the fake perspective shouldn't be too tough, but don't have the head for math this evening - if someone could take a look that would be great. It's almost like a poor man's R0J0hound 's mode 7 effect (without rotation, though). I feel like it should be more efficient, though as there's barely any math being done so it could be used for some mild pseudo-3D stuff (like racing games).

  • I feel like it's going to be a lonely club. Yours does seem more featured. I think we both can agree that it would beasier neat if there was a way to get the settings from runtime into editor.

  • Right click on the first one and apply to all frames?

  • The only flaw in your example, if my analysis is correct, is that you were using a less accurate method (world time) to time a more accurate method (tick based).

    I'm pretty sure you should be able to replace "every x seconds" in your example with a Timer behaviour, which would then be tick based, and then get consistent results

    The results were about equally bad - like Ashley explained above an "error" of up to 3 degrees is apparently nothing special, so, like you mentioned something like this is called for (this was the cleanest and leanest I could come up with):

    It's basically imperceivable to the naked eye that there's a mild jump near the straight angles. What is annoying, though, is the need to set up the timer behaviour on startup - why isn't that streamlined like the other behaviours?

  • For 603 days at least?

  • Finally had a chance to read it through and somehow I get the feeling that some genius decided that "steady framerate is better" and hard-coded increments if five into it or something - I almost never get any odd framerates, they tend to "even out" after a while towards 60, 45 or 30. Hopefully with the extra attention this stupid bug will finally get sorted.

    Also... BLOOP!

  • So I can see how it might look like I'm trying to shoot everything down, but really it's how I test ideas to see if they're worthwhile.

    So we can assume you see no merit in the often-mentioned Boolean global variables idea? (As one simple example of decent ideas from users that haven't seen any response). If so, why?

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  • Hey, I had built one as well, it wasn't exactly a hit. Sometimes useful, though:

  • Thank you once again, Ashley, for the detailed explanation. I see that custom event work is the solution. It would be great to have a timer component for the simple movements like rotation, bullet, etc. If it's 0 the movement doesn't stop, if it's a time it stops around that time and at the right distance/angle instead of around the time and around the distance as it is now (using Base events).

    Why do I keep on about automating things that can be overall achieved with events? Laziness, user friendliness and being true to the "no coding needed" mantra of C2.

    If I may ask, though - why does dt dt*90 end up at a different distance from the behaviour?