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  • any one ? please help

  • Sorry i didn't understand, please HELP) I can't solve this problem long time

    I have Consent Form and only after i have IDFA according to Construct 3 documentation.

    Consent form is in Google AdMob and there is no ability to disable "Manage Options" button. Only renaming

    So Apple reject and send screenshot about Consent Form exactly (((

  • I use Google Ad Mob and consent form.

    We can change this popup, but we can't disable button "Manage option"

    I am trying to publish my game in App Store (IOS) but they rejected bc buttons

    must have only "Continue" or "Next" button name.

    So i can rename one button to "Continue" but i need to hide second button (Manage options) and of course there is no ability to do this in AdMob

    Please help


  • Pffff.......I missed it. I tried everything and didn't see cursor on the button.

    Thanks a lot.

    Maybe you know is it ok for GDPR consent form change text from "Consent" to "Continue" ?

  • How ?

    As i said where is no event opportunity to do so

  • Hallo, i need a help.

    I use Google Admob in my game.

    And for EU i should show consent form, so i use consent form from Google Admob cabinet.

    This form has buttons "Consent" "Do not consent"

    But Apple did't approve it because instead of "Consent" button must be "Continue" or "Next"

    But i can't change button name. Not even that possibility.

    And now i just blocked by this stupid situation.

    How i can solve it ?


  • No one ?

  • Hi, i need your help

    I configured consent form on AdMob side and enabled checkbox "Show on start up"

    It works, but the problem that consent form doesn't save the user's choice

    For example i click Consent button see that Consent status is Obtained but next time then i start game again i see consent form again and status Required

    How should this work and where should the user's choices be saved?

    Thank a lot


  • Thanks for the clarification

  • Ah, got it, i'll wait

    But I would like to know why google play has such a requirement since the age of 21, and the update is only in the middle of 22?

    I'm asking because I'm afraid that if they increase the version again this year, they will force the application to be updated, and for the construct it can appear only in 2023 according to the current logic

    Thank you for the answer

  • Sorry, but can you explain a little bit please ?

    This is google admob

    I connect it with MobileAdvert plugin which is originally in construct 3

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  • and why then they write this ?

  • When you preview ads locally, what you are seeing are test web adverts.

    Asides from being test ads, they also simulate frequency capping, so you are able to adjust your logic in the case an ad can not be shown. It alternates between a successful request and a failed request.

    If you handle both cases properly then your game will behave properly when it is showing real ads.

    Thanks for the answer, so i can't properly test it ?

    Or maybe i need to disable test mode ?

  • Are you able to export your project to Android Debug APK?

    yes, there similarly

  • Hi, i use last stable version of construct 3

    I build App Bundle and try to upload to Google Play but have an error

    You app bundle has API level 30 should be minimum 31 (Android 12)

    But we don't have Android 12 in the list

    I saw that it's already in Beta but i don't wont to use beta bc it's not stable

    So what can i do and why is this still not there yet if google announced that app bundles should have API level 31 as early as 2021 ?
