SoldjahBoy's Forum Posts

  • Have a matching instance variable on your character or whatever is warping, also called warp or playerwarp.

    Set the player.warp to match the stairs.warp+1 so it matches to the stairs you want the player to appear at. Do stairs.warp-1 if you want him to go backwards (down the stairs instead of up, etc)

    Next compare the values of the variable.warp between stairs and player (for each stairs -> stairs.warp = player.warp)

    Then set the player position to the XY of the matching stairs. Then set the player.warp to something like -1 so he can move again to the next stairs. If his varibale remains the same as the stairs he will be unable to move.


  • I think to figure out what's simply on screen is to add all sprites into a single family and check for family.count is on-screen conditions. You could also just add up each sprite.count of each sprite instance - whichever is easier.


  • > How about MiniDayZ?


    > ~Sol


    That also looks impressive.

    It's not bad. Officially endorsed by Bohemia... has some bugs though and feels unpolished in terms of gameplay. It's still a nice attempt though considering it was done in 7-8 months with just 2 people... one artist one coder.

    I think this idea could easily be expanded on with little effort.


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  • That doesn't look the slightest bit aggressive much


  • Looks really cool! I knew there would be tentacles somewhere... lmao


  • Looking as sweet as ever. Can't wait to see another video showcasing the mobs


  • How about MiniDayZ?


  • I wish it is possible to let search engine bots crawl and gather contents. Not useful for seo otherwise looks nice. ...

    Yep the SEO is bad, but the store isn't officially open yet - so none of the SEO stuff has been done yet for the store page. There are other HTML pages used in the design as well so there should hopefully generate some crawl hits eventually over time.


  • All of the above tunepunk xD

    Open world survival/exploration/building simulation with a future possibility of being able to have heritage. Working on the map portion of things still at the moment... adding in the ability to change locations/explore as well as adding actual places to go rather than empty screens with just the ground in place.


  • Yeah slopes look slick

    Very nice!


  • Slopes are cool but so are no slopes. If you stick with the square edges maybe make the player "auto jump" when walking if they hit a single height block so it doesn't end up being a jumpfest? They would need to jump still to clear anything higher than a single tile but it would make it "feel" like having slopes without actually having them.


  • Courtesy of some circle maths we now have some circular explosion damage...

    Now that looks killer! Much better for sure IMO


  • Ah nice one, I must have totally overlooked that. Cheers zenox98 !


  • You would make an animation intro in the same way you would make anything on the screen move that isn't moved by the player.

    You place items/objects and move them around using events - usually in some form of simple state machine - which are also used in making AI or other things that require controlled and evaluated flow.

    Have you tried the ghost shooter tutorial in the Beginners Guide to get the basics of how C2 works yet? If not, it's highly recommended... if you already have done it, then you simply apply the same principles but for different reasons. It pays to think a little bit laterally when it comes to solving problems with event methodology.

    To do something like a Boss jumping into the scene, you could have a trigger when the player gets to a certain point of the level, your state machine starts. At phase 1 you could disable control of the player (making it feel more cinematic) then start making dialog appear or objects create (like your boss). Phase 2 of your state machine might be the boss dropping from the ceiling to the floor and more dialog. Phase 3 might be the player regains control and the fight will begin.

    Hopefully that made some sense?


  • I would like to know how to do this as well... a frameless window option would be nice.

    I know NWjs supports this feature since node v0.13 with a call made in the package.json - but I have no idea how to do this from within C2.

    There's plenty of NW games out there on steam, someone is bound to know - since I don't notice any steam releases with framed window.

    Mind you, Minecraft had a framed window for YEARS before they got rid of it on fullscreen mode... so it's not specifically a "bad" thing to have one
