SoldjahBoy's Forum Posts

  • If you are using any behaviours to move or resize the objects... dt already applies automatically to behaviours.

    You may also find that you need to bracket your equation a little there, so it knows where to apply the *dt.

    scale1+(car_lane1.Y*0.0006)*dt - maybe? My implementation/use of dt is a bit sketchy at times too, lol.


  • The way you're doing it already is how I've always done it in the past... but if you want to make it "smoother" then you can just draw more "traces" so it doesn't end up looking all "gappy".

    It can get tricky though, because at higher speeds the gaps are going to be further apart, so tweaking the number of traces to use and how often to draw them can be fun.


  • I've made plenty of websites with C2.

    Newt is right though, they aren't very friendly towards analytics or SEO... it doesn't mean you can't do it though.

    Ultimately, it would be best to have the site built as a traditional HTML site but with a windowed component using C2 perhaps... it really depends what you're wanting to build though.


  • Pretty sure blending modes don't work on "form objects" like text boxes, list boxes, and other things similar.

    You would have to make your own customer text box using sprites and spritefonts in order to put effects on them.


  • I haven't used local storage much at all myself, and not for a long time. If it was for NWjs I would be able to make some examples...

    Local storage would definitely be the way to go though... there may be some other tutorials or example files kicking around.


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  • R0J0hound

    Look! He at it again MOM! Bein' all smart and stuff....


  • it is a good idea,but new spawn sprite will cover the "fade mask".

    You would just need some conditions to the fade mask, so if it exists it always draws on top, then moves the player and "object" in front - anything new will be created then "over-ridden" almost instantly, so the player "*shouldn't* see it.


  • For nice looking ISO rotation you will need at least 16 frames... or you can fake it a bit depending on the fidelity of your graphics. The more HD they look, the more frames you will really need to draw in order to get a nice effect. If you're using pixel graphics (retro style) then you can usually get away with a few shortcuts (like simply rotating certain parts arbitrarily between your "keyframes") but it really depends on how you're doing the over-all look and style of the game.


  • You can also have an external script like a BAT file or CMD file - depending on the platform you're developing for (I assume it's Windows?).

    I have made things like this to extract files, run printers, create compressed files and upload to places... all usually done with some BAT files or winscripts. Just use NWjs to execute the script. Unfortunately this won't work for mobile platforms... but then again neither do zip files do they?


  • You would possibly be better off making a "fade mask" which is basically just a tiled background of plain white or plain black (or whatever colour you want to be your fade) then create this object on the layout, force it to z-order on top, then z-order the player and object in front of the mask.... then use opacity control or fade behaviour on the mask.


  • It sounds like you might be better to read up on using local storage - essentially creating a "save" and "load" system to take care of data persistence between layout changes.

    You can read more about local storage HERE


  • The easiest way I've found to make a completely custom scrollbar is... not easy.

    The basic idea though, is you make a "Frame" that masks the outside of the scrollable area, and has basically a "cut-out" or "window" that shows the content you want to scroll. Then, make a background for the scroll area, preferably a tiled background image so you can dynamically scale it taller or shorter depending on your content requirements.

    You then have to make a scroll bar thingy, and always set it's X position to a fixed number on the layout or layer and add the drag and drop behaviour to that.... then you simply set your scrollable tiled background Y position to be the same as the scroll bar thingy, with some additional math (the height of the scrollable area divided by the height of the scrollbar itself) then you do set scrollarea.Y to scrollbar.Y*(scrollarea.height/scrollbar.height) - I think xD

    Adding content to the scrollable area can be tricky, depending what it is... but you can use sprite fonts, sprites, and whatever you want... position them according to the scroll area tiled background - make sure your "frame" is in the front of everything (z order top) and it should work pretty good!

    I have to make a scroll area for another thing I'm messing with, so if I end up doing that today I will upload an example. Either way, hopefully my really bad explanation will help a little bit.


    I should read more carefully... I just realised you wanted momentum in the scrolling... that is another problem all together. You could do it by having a dummy object that takes control of the "scroll thingy" if the user has previously scrolled, but let go of the mouse or stopped touching the screen. You would need a variable or something to track the "scroll amount" - maybe a number that goes up based on how far the user has scrolled, or if you can create some kind of velocity measurement based on a combination of distance and time of the scrolling action? Use this variable, possibly combined with LERP, to make the scrolling continue for a short while after the user releases the scroll thingy.

    Yes... "thingy". I'm a very technical individual, as you can see.


  • Yeah, the best way to do this is to build your graphics to suit the size of the display you're optimising for.

    As soon as you start scaling your images, they will never look "perfect". Unfortunately, unless you are building your game so it doesn't scale at all, you will most likely never build something that looks 100% perfect on every single display size.

    I suggest aim for a common resolution (for PC stuff I tend to go straight to 1080p) and roll with that.

    You can also build a game that actually scales the canvas around the screen size, so there is no "scaling" of your graphics... but this can cause issues around the players viewable area around the character... larger displays will see more of the level and surroundings, and smaller displays may see less. It can be difficult to design your game around these dynamic factors.


  • You can use the "persist" behaviour on the object(s) that you want to retain the values and settings... but you are best off making some kind of save/load system for the data.

    Are you making this for mobile platforms or for a PC NWjs export?


  • Yeah if you're trying to have many object types with multiple variations and instances of each type, then yeah... you kind of need families since that's what they're there for. I'm not sure of an easy way to make a reference without basically rebuilding the family functionality using events. It's been done a long tie ago before families were added to C2 in it's early stages of development... but even then it was clunky and didn't have full functionality from memory.

    You may have to bite the bullet, and buy the full version... or figure out a different way to achieve what you're trying to do... however someone else may have a better solution.
