SoldjahBoy's Forum Posts

  • I don't use Google Drive, so I'm not sure about that.

    I use a hosting account on my domain to upload tests and things like that.

    You can buy a domain and hosting package from places like GoDaddy for a very cheap price if you only need basic options.


  • You can add a value then multiply it by -1.

    Set variable to self+object.speed*-1


  • You need to add the boolean value to the condition of the click...

    Mouse clicked on button

    Boolean value = true

    ---- do stuff

    Mouse clicked on button

    Boolean value = false

    ---- do nothing

    You will need to upload your capx or make a simple version of what you're trying to do, so I can edit it to work. I'm not exactly sure about the method or placement of your buttons, so making an example probably won't help if I don't make it the same way you have it set up.


  • You can add an instance variable to each button that uses boolean value - then toggle on/off for the button to be enabled or disabled.


  • If drop shadow effect doesn't do the job (sometimes your shadow might not be at the angle or position you want, depending on how you draw your sprites) - you can make a separate object for the shadow and add it to a CONTAINER with your main sprite. Using a container will always make sure the shadow is following the correct instance of the sprite without having to do any UID (or similar) comparisons.

    Similarly, you can just draw your shadow onto the actual sprite using a 50% opacity brush or something - which is usually what I do - but again it really depends on how you draw your sprites if that way will work for you or not.


  • If you want to use a single image for your map then you will still need to either make some separate "overlay" images to detect where the mouse is.... or make some events to define the areas where you want your mouse detection to be.

    Honestly, it's probably easier to just cut the map up into individual territories and use them to detect mouse position.


  • Dropbox has changed and doesn't allow public/live linking anymore:

    As noted here

    Unless you are an existing paid/premium user... then the live linking will finish on 27 September this year. If you are a free user then they stopped that from working already.


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  • Making objects avoid each other while using pathfinding is an interesting problem. You can make each object as an obstacle to each other, but this causes a lot of issues on itself - like poor performance - and still they will pile up on top of each other frequently.

    I made a nice solution to this, but it might or might not work for you... I used the BOIDS plugin to help.

    For each of my "units" I made a "ghost unit" that was the pathfinding guide for the actual unit that the ghost unit is assigned to. I made a 'container' with the unit and the ghost together, and set the ghost to "flock" to the destination using the boids behaviour... then set the actual unit to pathfind to the ghost if it's distance was more than say 10-20 pixels.

    In this way, the boids behaviour takes care of the avoidance/steering of the destination and the pathfinding will travel to the ghost/boid.

    There are a couple of boids plugins available - I used the old/original one (I found Rex's boids was a little too much for what I needed and the old version worked exactly how I wanted without anything too difficult).

    In short it goes a little like this:

    [UNIT] ----pathfinding to----> [GHOST] -----flock/boid to-----> [DESTINATION]

    I hope this sheds some light on the method.


  • Yeah sorry, text or input fields... also iframe plugin... really anything that resembles "form data" or anything like that will always be drawn on top.

    You have to be clever with making things turn invisible or move off-screen when not being used - or make something using spritefont and custom text field entry. This is not a limitation of Construct 2, it's just how HTML5 works in general. Unfortunately, there's not any "super easy" answer to solve the problem. In the past when I had this issue, I came up with clever ways to simply hide the input fields when they don't need to be used, then display them only when the user has to interact with them.


  • Text objects are not drawn the same way that sprites are. They are automatically rendered on top of everything else - it's something to do with the way canvas renders text.

    The only thing you can do is make your text invisible when that particular window isn't active, or you can replace the text object with a spritefont object, which will act how you would expect it to (being able to go 'underneath' other objects).


  • The performance impact should be minimal but it will depend also on how many objects you have on the layout as well as complex movement of said objects. I have used this method for a few projects so far with zero noticable impact on performance.


  • This is always a tricky subject to deal with, and there is no perfect solution... you can however get pretty close, depending on your sprite shapes and complexity.

    Probably the best way I can think of will be, on collision between spriteA and spriteB will be to measure the angle and distance between each object... then using each objects width/height to determine the point of intersection. This can vary though if your sprite objects are complex shapes, and tends to work best if your sprite objects are built by joining multiple objects together.

    You can also create imagepoints on your object andattach another (invisible) collider object to your main sprite, and use those as collision points - thus spawning your collision particles on said collider.

    Hope that helps a little


  • You shouldn't need to use anchor for any responsive design... you can set the X/Y coordinates at runtime for every object in your layout.

    I made an example project with a fully responsive layout that resets it's scale to the resolution/window size of the browser, for any device.

    The example is HERE - maybe it will be helpful to what you're trying to do


  • It could be something to do with your wait time for the fade behaviour. Maybe you need to set the wait time to like 999999999 or something, then change to 1 or 0.1 or something when you want it to fade out again... not really sure :/

    You could program your own fade but doing an opacity change using something like LERP, or tween behaviour.


  • Ah yeah, makes sense... you can try adding "wait 0" which forces the next piece of code to execute next tick without forcing an actual timed delay.

    Glad you figured something out for it though
