soggyclog's Forum Posts

  • Congratulations! I also saw this earlier and was really impressed! I hope it gets the huge success it deserves and that you get very rich

  • These are awesome! Cool thread.

    Heres some more I like...


    Yay for math!

    Yay for giant waves!

  • This is looking so awesome Arsonide, I want to play it! Love where you're planning to take the gameplay. I've also been making heavy use of your perlin plugin in my project, its a ton of fun. Thanks a lot for sharing it!

  • Haha nice!

    Castlevania has some retro tracks I like:

    Monkey Island has the best soundtrack though in my opinion... doesn't exactly fit the 8-bit style of retro but I don't care

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  • I've never gotten any warnings when downloading but I DO get the following warning every time I run a game created in Construct:

    System modification attempt

    DeepGuard has noticed that a program is trying to manipulate or terminate another process, which is potentially dangerous.

    It's this F-Secure AV & firewall that was provided by my ISP. It's just being paranoid since I haven't seen anyone else mention it on the forums. Thought I'd mention it though cause others out there are probably also getting the same scary warnings when we give them our games.

  • Is there a way to use Pi in a formula? There doesn't seem to be anything under System/Math and entering wacky python things like math.pi doesn't work either. I'm looking for as precise a value as possible since typing 3.14etc causes misalignments fast.

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  • Thats pretty sweet! Shows promise for cool idea

    As reference for the physics of it, I would recommend also finding a copy of an old Amiga/PC game called Fury of the Furries (not that kind of furry). One of the characters in it had a grappling rope thing and I remember it feeling really good in terms of weight and momentum. They also made it so you could wrap your rope around objects as you swang around them. Here's a vid but you should try it sometime for the controls

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  • Congratulations and happy bday!

    Thanks for making something so awesome!

  • Wow this is really beautiful, and I agree that the music is awesome too! Congratulations

    I do have one suggestion: Would it be possible to add a brightness/gamma option? I was only able to try it here at work, in a bright office and it was really hard to see the dark levels.

  • Haha I know the feeling Hasuak. Been thinking about the same thing on and off for over a year now and have only come to the conclusion that it's probably best to try a minimalistic approach to both the gameplay and the story. Not only will that make it more doable in terms of scope, but I think the two will be able to play along more nicely if theyre not fighting for dominance.

    Like Arima suggested, it may be wise to rework the story to see if it can fit with different kinds of gameplay better. Maybe have the story told in a subtle way throughout the game, where the player would have to fill in a lot of the blanks. Have you ever played Out of this World? It's a pretty good examples of this.

    I personally also feel that combat heavy gameplay kind of distracts me from story... I think adventure type games are better for immersing players but the challenge there is to make it feel like you're doing something even when you're stuck, else it can get boring fast. Most people these days don't seem to have much patience for obscure, often nonsensical puzzles and such.

  • Wow that's a really cool idea!

  • Wow these are awesome! Very impressive!

  • I have a question about reporting bugs.

    I've gotten quite a few seemingly random crashes in the past and when I run in debug mode it only says that the crash was successfully "intercepted" and that I should report it to the construct devs. I find these crashes very hard to narrow down and reproduce, so not sure how I would even go about describing them.

    Is there anything we can do in cases like this? When construct intercepts a crash does it dump an error log anywhere that we could maybe upload?

  • I did a quick run through of the "post-your-screenshots" thread and it seemed like most people here are using a 4:3 aspect ratio. I personally prefer to do vids at 1280x720 but don't really care either way, majority should dictate.

    Also here's another site with really cheap royalty free music:

    The final music should probably be decided on once all the clips have been chosen. If the majority of them are bubbly rainbow coloured sidescrollers then slapping on a serious sounding classical track may not be the most fitting. I do agree though that none of the crap you hear on the radio should be used.

  • Totally agree... these days I can hardly get excited about any game that comes out, but I can't wait to play Limbo. It's dripping with atmosphere... the animation is so smooth and flawless, everything connects perfectly, the character and environments blend together seemlessly. Love it.