socialpilgrim's Forum Posts

  • Steps to change icon and app name :

    1) Download APKtool

    2) decompile

    run - apktool d <.apk file>

    4) cd

    6) You can remove permissions in "AndroidManifest.xml".

    5) cd res

    6) make your icon.png file of 96x96 resolution

    7) copy icon file in all drawable<-hdpi/-ldpi/-mdpi/-xhdpi> folders

    8) cd values

    9) open strings.xml in notepad and change "app_name" :

    <string name="app_name"><your app name></string>

    10) save file

    11) recompile

    run - apktool b xdkhtml5test.apk

    12) Now sign the apk

    java -jar signapk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 xdkhtml5test.apk xdkhtml5test.signed.apk

    13) make sure to copy xdkhtml5test.signed.apk copy in "srcapk" folder

    14) remove folder if any inside "srcapk"

    15) make sure to keep only 1 .apk in "srcapk" folder

    16) run go.bat

  • Share your capx....will have a look.

  • Skaits is lativian word - meaning "numbers", it is game of numbers.

    It is very addictive and challenging game, you have to make a total of 8192 by adding and forming big numbers.

    How to play :

    1,2,4 numbers will appear randomly and you have to make bigger number by clicking on similar number

    ex : 1 and 1 makes 2, 2 and 2 makes 4, 4 and 4 makes 8 etc...

    just be aware of fireline, it is after scores text, 10 px down. ... 944/skaits


  • My games using ajax and submitting/showing scores as well from my own server when I have tested in my local.

    But after publishing in Scirra Arcade, it is not working at all.

    Is Ajax not allowed in Scirra Arcade or I am missing something ?

    Even for my game, stats are available but I can see in my profile how many times my game were played.

  • If you are still up for graphic design do let me know I need some and give you credit as well in my project.

  • check my profile....

    2 are developed and 2 more are in development, once done will let you know.

  • great I was looking for this......

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • This seems to be a bug, this happens only with "Load image from URL", rest of properties and variables are working as expected.

    I am too struggling for the same but no clue till now,

  • Hello everyone.

    I am new here, launched today my first gamw Fight2Right.

  • 5 numbers are displaying in screen, clicking on anyone will forward by that number.

    Use number precisely to through out opponent out of the platform.


  • This is my first ever game created in Construct2, this is not good as commercial, but tried giving the same touch.


    It is simple turn based strategy game, with limited scope.