snowmantw's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • Could you elaborate more please? Since I tried to do that as an sub-event of the parent event, but it picked nothing:

    I removed the deeper sub-events of the picking all to clarify the case (they won't be triggered at all). I also tried to put the picking all as the top-most event. It works but the it's sub-events won't work.

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  • Hello I'm Greg and I'm still trying to get familiar with C2. My question is I don't know if it's possible to pick one family as a sub-event while the parent event has picked one. The is because I want to pick some sprite(s) according to the picked parent sprite's instance variable:

    I do that is because I want to allow user switch weapons, so that the bullets should be switched, too. However, according to the articles about picking I have seen, the SOL of sub-events would be restricted to what the parent selected, although I don't know whether that's the reason I did that fail (the picking Bullets didn't work). So I wonder if there is a better way to do that? Or I should change my whole pattern?

  • 2 posts