1. Can i have multiple event sheet for 1 layout? For example if i want creat a event sheet only with command and reply in all game ?
Yes. We create more event sheets, right click the layout's event sheet background and select 'Include Event Sheet'.
2. Same for layer, if i have hud position i must reply alwys position of sprite button or can i duplicate layer for more layout?
Yes, I would right click the Layout in the Projects panel and pick 'duplicate layer' in order to copy everything that is in my current layout. Then I would remove the ones not needed in my new layout.
3. Any tips for excute my game to more device ? ( mobile )
You need to export them to proper a proper mobile format. Please refer to this link.
4. How simulate climb to walls ?
Please refer to this link.
For layer and layout, doesnt exist 'Include Event Sheet' or 'Duplicate Layer'