snoopy123123's Forum Posts

  • I still have no clue why there is no sound. Any help would be appreciated !!

  • But the sounds aren't playing even after touching the screen. What could be the issue ? Any idea ?

  • My App Sounds work fine on Android Browsers as well as on PC Browsers. However no Sound when playing the game on ios in cocoonjs or within safari browser. I have read that ios waits on first touch before playing sounds but there are no sounds in my app even after the first touch.

    Can someone give me a hint ?

  • Hello I am having issues with sounds on IOS Browser.

    I had my background sound working for a while until I deleted my safari cookies. No I can't get it back to work.

    Sounds work on my PC browser as well as on Android device. I have read an article about IOS not allowing sounds before the first touch but I don't really understand. When it's waiting on first touch then it there should be sound as well as I am using touch controls for the game.

    Can anyone help ?


  • Do you have sounds working on your ios device as well. My sounds work on the PC browser. And for a minute it worked as well on my ios device but after deleting safaris cookies the sounds stopped working. Do you have an idea what would cause that ?

    Thank you for all your help

  • Actually I got it working now. Not seeing anything I have done different though. Deleted everything and started over and it worked.

    So am I understanding this right that when this is compiled with Cocoon this webstorage will be converted in some local ios storage ?

  • Any idea what would cause the NAN value ?

  • I am sorry but I don't get it.

    On Start Layout I am Setting my global variable number to WebStorage.LocalValue("number")

    Also I am setting my textbox.text to number

    To Save I am setting my local key to number to number using the webstorage object.

    When I run it's showing NAN. I can't figure out why yours works and mine doesn't though I belive I am doing the exact same thing.......frustrating

  • Well, I guess I was to quick. it works fine on my PC's browser. On my iphone it's showing "NaN"

    Any idea whats the reason behind that ?

  • Cool your example works fine, just implemented it into my game. I previously had something in there with if value exists which obviously didn't work right

  • Ok, that would be by next Question

    I have tried cocoon JS and I am just super confused as I am new to all this. I am a Developer but completely new to the game thing.

    When opening Cocoon JS on Iphone it allows me to select a URL which I am pointing to my webserver and the game runs in full screen when I select webview mode. When I am trying to run using Canvas 2D /WEBGL I am getting a black screen. I do not really know what the difference here is.

    How do you make an App and run it with CocoonJS ?

    I will try your example know. Thank you for that.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • How did you get the webstorage to work ? When I compile the game in html5 onto my webserver and run it using mobile safari on iphone 5 the webstorage is not working

  • Has anyone saved any data using construct in a an ios game and can describe how to do it ?

  • Hello,

    I am trying to create an IOS (Eventually Android) App with construct and planning on Compiling it with cocoonJS.

    Can I use the built in WebStorage Object to Save and retrieve data ? Will this still work after compiling with CocoonJS. Also what is the difference between running in 'Webview" and 'Canvas 2D/WEBGL' when using the CocoonJS launcher.

    Sorry for these probably simple questions but I just starting to learn this software and the concepts.


  • Thanks for the reply. I am also tending towards Construct as the platform seems to be very intuitive.

    But I was reading a few posts that it seems hard to add iAds to the game with C2 as it is a non coding platform.

    Any word on it?

    It seems though that with the Intel SDK you can actually create an ios package without a mac (I might be wrong but thats what I got out of it so far)