smumpy's Forum Posts

  • Just wondering, when you are editing a text object, is there a way to select particular words out of the whole of the text and change their colors individually? As I see it there is only the option to change the color of all the words within the text body at once.

  • just add all the backgrounds and character skins you want to two different objects

    so one will be background and another will be playable character

    you can then assign different backgrounds and outfits for character by drawing them and adding them as either differing frames or animations in the drawing editor

    then you just create a global number variable for each and assign each "skin" to a number

    so for example, pseudocode;

    is BackgroundGlobalNumber = 1 , then set background object's animation to "__(whatever you have named it)__" or set background object's frame to __(whichever you desire)__

    and repeat this for however many different backgrounds you want

    then all you need to do is set the conditions in which these events take place, so my guess would be something like is MenuGlobalBoolean true? then for each arrow key hit (either direction) change BackgroundGlobalNumber to __ number.

    then to close the loop (so if you only want 4 different backgrounds that cycle in the menu) just make it so if BackgroundGlobalNumber >4 then set BackgroundGlobalNumber = 1, and if BackgroundGlobalNumber <1 then set BackgroundGlobalNumber = 4. this way if it goes over 4 it always go back to 1 and vise versa.

    Then just apply the same logic to creating the different skins for your character sprite

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  • IT WORKED! thanks dude

  • omg thank you, my brain is almost jello from shooting in the dark lol, thank you, I had no idea there was a trigger once function

  • I realized that despite the weird bug of the music not actually playing within the song menu (it basically just repeats over and over rapidly) it does however select the song and begins playing it correctly once the menu is exited;

    I mentioned before [before removing out of concern of relavence] but this all takes place within a pause menu that sets the timescale of the game to 0, that is probably the reason for the music not playing properly I'm assuming at this point.

    Regardless, my issue now is attempting to make it so that all music is essentially muted, which I hopefully can accomplish simply by just muting all songs while in the menu and unmuting them outside of the menu. Though I predict there may be issues implementing this if the timescale is in fact and continues to interfere.

    Thank you so much for your help though! As I mentioned above many of the seemingly obvious solutions seem to whiz right by me due to my newbie status of code knowledge, I really appreciate the assistance and will update again if the mute works or not.

  • I forgot to include in snapshot but at bottom there is a command to set the global number to 0 if the songchoosebar is invisible, this makes it so it goes to 1 at the start of the menu appearing. (Thus beginning at Track/Song One)

  • Here is the full song selection menu as it stands now



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  • Awesome that totally solved the issue of trying to have a looped cyclical menu, however, this appears to still be affecting the music the same way as before (instead of playing, the music starts repeatedly infinitely) will continue to try to get it to start the song once and then simply play it. Interesting note as this implies that the problem with the music was not actually due to the "For" statement as I previously theorized.

  • thank you, i have tried doing something like this several times I didn't think about the

    If track > 13, set track to 1

    If track < 1, set track to 13

    that's easily the best solution to creating this loop, thank you so much, I'm implementing right now will let you know if it works

  • I have also managed to get the menu to work going forward from Song One to Song Two through the addition of more global variables, however, I am unable to figure out how to continue this to work for every song in the list from 1 to 13, in the example posted below, the menu still has the aforementioned issues going backwards, however, now if you hit the right key from Song One it will go forward in the list to "Song Two" and no further.

  • Below is an example of the menu I was working on, again, it only somewhat works, this time though it is only barely working going back (Again, it should go 1,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 going back, however at the moment it is going 1,12,11,10,9,12,11,12,11,10,12,11,10,9,etc...)

  • maybe put a small invisible line attached/pinned to each box that acts as the point that floats. then just make it so that line cannot go past the water line, even if the box does, that way the bottom half would float and the top half would remain out, then add the same thing at the top to represent the line that they cannot go past upwards, this may give you more control over the amount of movement each box possesses. I mean essentially make invisible, more controllable, objects the things that "float" and set boundaries for their movement, then just pin the boxes to them. I also think that BadMario's suggestion could be combined with this one potentially, maybe? iunno just spitballin' here. If I combined them though I would make it so only the floating box objects and those related to it were affected by the invisible, immovable object under the water so it doesn't affect the player's physics.

  • tasminsimmonds lol you didn't even answer the question

    jaygummers this is just a basic search as I too am curious about this and would like to see you solve this but here are some helpful links that may help you get where you're going. P.S. please update once you have an answer to this question, again, I would love to know what you find out.

    (start with this one, apparently IAP is the way to go for in-game purchases for Construct)

    (this seems to be a tutorial on implementing in-game purchases)

    (this doesn't seem related to Construct but may help you)

    (this is also talking about IAP)