smartcartridge's Forum Posts

  • Great work devs

  • Hey all

    I was wondering how you could save in private variable speed and direction at a specific point

    preferly for platform movement or custom movement

  • Hey All

    Im having A problem for a intro with my game,

    Im running a video file with avi plugin and i want the bar at the buttom of the screen to go away and

    i also want to make the video fade in or appear after a couple seconds of running because i want to cut a bit out at the front.

    Thanks for the Help


  • Now i can run more than one preview Window.


    (ive had a few problems where it says a previews already running when its not)

    And Physics is fixed, Awesome work Devs

  • Thanks Guys.

    Exactly what i need

  • Hey all

    I was wondering if someone could show me how to change a color filter gradually.

    Like in a space of time it gradually changes from one shade to another.

    Its for a game im not going to release yet and it would be most appreciated

    Thanks if you can help


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  • It actually Looks a bit better in the game. But yeah if you could send me those images you have that would be awesome. Thanks

  • Thats Awesome Man, The Rotation and movement is smooth and seamless.

    Job Well Done

  • Very Nice. I like the effects and the General style of the game.

    Especially the backround, Overall Its Cool

  • Hey All

    This game Is A top down space shooter based on the t.v series Stargate Sg-1 And Atlantis.


    Playable Ships

    • Hatak (Done)
    • Beliskner
    • Daedulus
    • Ancient Warship
    • Wraith Cruiser
    • Wraith Hive
    • Wraith Dart
    • Ori Mothership
    • The Oneil
    • Alkesh
    • Opophis Flagship
    • Anubis's Superweapon Mother Ship


    • Hatak (Done)
    • Daedulus
    • The Oneil
    • Alkesh


    • Hatak
    • Beliskner (Done)
    • Wraith Cruiser
    • Wraith Dart
    • Ori Mothership
    • Alkesh
    • Opophis Flagship
    • Anubis's Superweapon Mother Ship


    1. Updating Sheild and weapon effects

    2. Overhauling AI (any help on this would be appreciated

    3. Upgrade menu where you can upgrade and buy better shields, Energy Crystals , Weapons

    Hulls and SHIPS!!

    4. Add Network multiplayer (when i figure out how ) , and normal multiplayer

    5. Add Missions based on the episodes in the Original Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis series

    6. Make a better Menu

    <img src="">

    Any help on the AI would be most appreciated (Events that can handle multiple ships that avoid eachother), if your interested. PM me or post a message and ill send you the cap.

    If you like the game. Please Post

    If you want to see this game expand please post.

    Post found bugs aswell if you find any

    Have fun

    Export the exe or it wont run properly

  • This is just a simple two player games i whipped up in 20 minutes. Hope you have fun playing it.

    <img src="">

    Download ""

    Hope you like. Please comment

  • Thanks For the Help Im looking at it now

  • Hey

    Ive been working on the n game. I wish To Replicate it.

    I need Help With The "Thwump Box" (The box that goes down when your underneath it)

    I want to use line in sight behavior. Any help or criticism is most appreciated.

    Thanks For Any Help

  • Sorry to sound like a noob.

    But how do you install this.

  • use sine behavior to make the snow sway