slavko1004's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • I would advise reading the manual - it's all explained in there.

    You get it by selecting 'Invert' from the right mouse, and therefore means invert the condition.

    So if you have a condition that says 'If Right arrow is down' then inverting obviously means when right arrow is not down.

    I don't know what to say but thanks man. You helped me a lot.

  • So I saw some "red X" in some events of programs I opened.

    I guess it acts like, "if this event is false" then... but anyway

    I have 2 questions about it.

    How to add it in some event and what it does.

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  • Just use the random expression.

    Every int(random(30,60)) seconds ---> drop lewtz


  • I have a small problem. I made pickups in my game to happend every X seconds. That is ok but I would like to know how to make something happend every random seconds.

    something like this:

    On every ( 30sec - 60sec ) spawn 1 pickup

  • *DomAnetural - Is overlapping Tank_Red -> Circle: Move To layer 5

    *Else -> Circle: Move To layer 10 (or whatever)

    make sure to trigger this only once - there is no need to move Circle constantly while touching (or not) this ********** point.

    Got it i added *Else -> Circle: Move To layer 0 in group with my first event ofc without "While" in it. Thanks for quick help man.

  • Ok i just need help about simple thing i am not sure how to do it

    I have uploaded a image of the even i am trying to do.

    So what i want is while my tank is standing on a ********** point, i want nice circle to show it on a HUD, by moving that circle from bottom layer to top.

    So here is my problem

    When tank stands on point circle actually shows but when tank moves from the point circle stays there. So i guessed if i added System "While". It will mean while tank stands circle shows. But when i add while, and test it in the game. The moment i toutch ********** point my game just stops, i see the image but game is not "moving anymore". I tried to put "while" on top and bottom of event.

  • WOW, such eazy fix THANKS MAN

  • Someone please help me

    I've been doing some tank game.

    And one tank has binds. Arrows are movement and Num (4,5,6) are for shooting different weapons and Num+ makes it go faster. And sudendly tank loses controls Arrwos are still working but Num keys are not Num (8,4,6,2) become movement also.

    First tank WASD-movement and VBNM for weapons and fast speed works fine.

    So why does Construct 2 start reading Num part as some arrows instatly. I evan loaded earlier verson of my game and got same bug.

  • 8 posts