Hey, I'm asking the community's scripters, or even
Ashley to try and make this.
What I'm asking is a plugin (or directly in the System tab, if Ashley does it), that would have this:
Preload layout
Preload layout (by name)
Preload Object
On layout loaded
On layout loaded (by name)
On Object loaded
LayoutPreloadProgress that would take an argument Layout Name. Or leave blank if referencing the last Preload launched.
ObjectPreloadProgress that would take an argument Object Name. Or leave blank if referencing the last Preload launched.
LayoutLoaded would return the name of the last loaded layout.
ObjectLoaded would return the name of the last loaded layout.
What would that be useful for? Well, loading screens of course! This has been a common problem with big Construct projects. As soon as a layout or an object is a bit heavy (if it features a lot of animations for exemple) it takes forever to load, and makes the FPS drop a lot or even makes the layout freeze completely. Being able to preload the next layout in background before going to it, or preload an object in background before creating it would solve those problems.
Plus I'm pretty sure this is possible, because Construct already does it to preload the game's musics and sounds at the start of the game, and a lot of games do feature this to make mini games and/or animations as loading screens.