Skedoozy's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Need a great C2 dev who can take amazing assets and create games that will work on both mobile and desktop.

    If you feel like you do awesome work and just haven't found the avenue to make money creating them then contact me. Please send mobile and desktop examples to I will respond to anyone who sends examples.


  • I have to load my files from a CDN server and all of my image files load, but my audio files refuse to load. The CDN server has all of the mime types set correctly, as does the normal site server.

    Has anyone run into these types of issues?

  • I'm Skedoozy. I work for a company that promises crazy things to big clients and then I get to figure out how to do it. Thank god for this engine.

  • lol yeah, I am pretty good at that. It's like telling someone your problem and you figure it out as you're telling them about it. Sometimes your brain just has to think about it differently.

  • Ef me. Just figured it out.

    I was setting the speed change to happen on overlap. Well it overlapped for 8 ticks, so *2 became *16.

    Set it to on collision and it works.

    I'll leave this here just in case someone has the same brain fart as I did.

  • I have two global number variables set in my event sheet.

    RoadSpeed = 1100


    BoostAmount = 2

    When I hit a boost I am setting my RoadSpeed to "RoadSpeed*BoostAmount". Then after 5 seconds I set RoadSpeed to "RoadSpeed/BoostAmount".

    So essentially I am doing 1100*2 and then 2200/2. But the number I get when I multiply the two variables is 17600, and then when it divides by 2 it goes back to 1100.

    Also if I do just RoadSpeed*2 it comes out to 17600.

    What am I doing wrong? Why does this not work correctly? If I use 1100*2 it works fine. What is happening to the math when it uses the variables instead of the numbers? <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • This still doesn't exist? This is a giant PITA. Ugh. Please change this so you can replace a sound the same way you replace an image.

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  • That's what I did. But then since the floor is solid the player moves with the floor. How do I make it so the player doesn't move with the floor, but it still keeps him from falling through the floor?

  • So I have this game that I want to work like this Tron game.

    Basically it works like this.

    Players idle animation looks like he is running but he is actually static.

    Player can not move left or right.

    Player can jump and tumble. Both of these will not move the player forward.

    Solid floors are moving below the player but do not carry him backwards as would normally happen. Causing it to look like the player is moving forward across the level.

    The way I am currently doing it is sorta buggy. I have a solid invisible wall behind the player and I have him moving right at the same speed that the floors are moving left. When he jumps I set his speed to 0 so that he doesn't jump forward and when he lands his speed is set back to normal.

    There has go to be a better way of achieving this.

    Any help?

  • 9 posts