Sjryan's Forum Posts

  • Hi Guys,

    I was wondering if there was a way that you could utilise the native alarm type functions on mobile, specifically the iOS clock wheel etc to make an alarm? or would this have to be built?

    I basically want to make a local notification that allows the user to select the time they receive it - any suggestions welcome


  • Thanks for that - I'll take a look!

  • Hello,

    I'm in need of some help, I've recently had my app translated into 4 different languages in a bid to boost my downloads, I was wondering what's the best way for me to go about putting this into place.

    Am i able to submit multiple binaries to IoS Appstore for the different languages? I've had a look online and not really found anything helpful as it's all about xcode etc. This would be my ideal solution as to keep the file sizes smaller.

    OR is there another solution within Construct that can detect the app store that the game was downloaded from? Or am I just gonna have to have little flags as the first screen??


  • Toby is great!

    He's just finished with a project for me and he went above and beyond to help me out, as well as giving me clear instructions and help to make sure I understood everything as well as giving me ideas that I hadn't thought of.

    Will definitely use him again (if he's got time!!) A+

  • My heading is a bit confusing, I didn't know a good short form way of explaining my problem!

    I'm designing a card game, when a user clicks the 'Next Card' button a card at random is called from a set of 10 different categories arrays.

    Some of the cards will have an effect that lasts for say the next 5 cards, which isn't really a problem as I can use a variable to keep track of that.

    My issue is that, when the effect is over, I want it to be displayed when the person hits the 'Next Card' button, instead of showing another random card - does that make sense?

    So... 1. (Random Card), 2. (Random Card w/Effect for 5 turns), 3. (RC) 4. (RC) 5.(RC) 6.(RC) 7. (effect off card) 8. (Random Card)

    Could someone please point me in the best direction for a solution? I know it's probably something simple, I just can't quite wrap my head around it yet!


  • Sorry for bumping this, I only just saw someone had replied !!

    I would like to make it part of my game, I'm looking to create a website to link to the app so if anyone could point me in the right direction of what skills I'll need to learn or hire someone to do that would be great. I'm guessing it's something to do with maybe PHP?

    Again, excuse my ignorance

  • I did also post this on Cocoon forums but I've had no reply for a few days. I don't know where the issue is originating from

  • Hi guys,

    I've just had 2 of my apps rejected for this reason:

    "We attempted to review your app but were unable to install the app on iPad or iPhone. The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in the Info.plist is set in such a way that the app will not install on any device .

    Next Steps

    Please check the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key to verify that it contains only the attributes required for your app features or the attributes that must not be present on the device. Attributes specified by a dictionary should be set to true if they are required and false if they must not be present on the device. "

    One of them is an update and the other is a completely new build.

    I have Googled the issue, it would seem that other people have had this issue when trying to change the minimum IOS requirements. I have checked that I am exporting for the 8.0+ on both Construct and Cocoon.

    Any ideas?


  • Bumpppppp anyone?

  • Hi guys,

    I'd like to somehow make a poll for one of my games, I'd like it to record all of my users answers on a database and then once they've answered return other people's answers as an overall percentage.

    I'm still a bit of a newbie to all of this but from what I've read I'm assuming I'd need to set up some sort of database on a webhosting and then save the variables to that and then call them afterwards?

    I'd appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction of exactly what would be the best solution in this case and/or any existing plugins that might already solve this problem.

    Thanks guys!

  • I've had a quick Google and Im just not sure what information would be relevant to me, Am I looking to edit a Construct config, Intel or Xcode??


  • I've just received the same rejection reason from Apple with almost exactly the same amount of data being stored on the iCloud (6.24mb in my case)

    I just used the local storage for keeping track of the variable I use to determine what levels are unlocked for my user.

    Intrigued to see if this is something we're doing wrong or a bug?

    I'm not sure how to change where the temp files are stored.


  • Nope, it's not that either.

    It's happening on multiple layers it seems

  • First off, apologies if I should have posted this in the bugs forum but I figured as I'm new to all this that there would be a good chance that I've just done something silly!

    My issue is that some of my layouts are not loading properly when I try and load them after previously working fine, they are just not loading full stop or displaying grey boxes. I'm also having an issue where I'm trying to add an object to the layout (text) and it's not visible, it's registering as if I have added the object, I can edit properties etc but it's just not there! I've tried bringing to front and checked all visibility options as far as I can tell but nothing!

    Any ideas guys??


    EDIT: Running Construct 221 64Bit Personal Edition

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  • Also for some reason now the Spritefont I had to display the number has stopped working, it's value is based on the global variable 'level' which seems to be updating fine? I'm sure it's something silly but any ideas?

    Thanks again