How do I have an effect in play for x turns from an array

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  • My heading is a bit confusing, I didn't know a good short form way of explaining my problem!

    I'm designing a card game, when a user clicks the 'Next Card' button a card at random is called from a set of 10 different categories arrays.

    Some of the cards will have an effect that lasts for say the next 5 cards, which isn't really a problem as I can use a variable to keep track of that.

    My issue is that, when the effect is over, I want it to be displayed when the person hits the 'Next Card' button, instead of showing another random card - does that make sense?

    So... 1. (Random Card), 2. (Random Card w/Effect for 5 turns), 3. (RC) 4. (RC) 5.(RC) 6.(RC) 7. (effect off card) 8. (Random Card)

    Could someone please point me in the best direction for a solution? I know it's probably something simple, I just can't quite wrap my head around it yet!


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