SJames's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • Hello,

    Indeed the post was a little unspecific. Since We wish to evaluate each case individually, to adjust uniquely with specific regards to both involvement and approach, it would be very kind of You to contact Me privately through either private messaging (Providing an e-mail there) or directly contacting me through my own:


    Kind Regards.

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  • Hello Everyone, me and my partner, with a small team, geared towards game production, are working on developing mobile applications of huge potential.

    We are very interested in expanding our team and adding game programmers to our partnership, provided they could bring forward a set of skills that could advance our set of projects. Our past work has already undergone investment and We hope that the experience obtained, will once again yield results.

    If You are interested and believe You could provide the necessary skill set and backing to prove Your ability, please do not hesitate to contact us. All details will be conveyed/discussed there.

    Thank You for Your time, We look forward to working with You.

  • 2 posts