sirrance's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Thanks for the reply theseanmullins.

    The timer will provide a Time Attack and Time Record achievement later. Plus I had ideas for bosses that would go into a new phase after a certain time had lapsed. So if you could beat them before a certain time you can skip that phase. Also extra reward drops for beating a boss under a certain time. So, yeah lots of uses for the time in mind.

    All the art is filler right now. I bought it all from Game Dev Market. I tried to get stuff that was close and had the functionality I was looking for. I'll definitely be looking for custom art for the project later. So, If anyone wants to do pixel art for this project I'm open to that.

    I'll definitely keep updates going. It is a hobby project so I don't know how regular they will be.

    Thanks again!

  • Here is a video of the hobby project I'm working on.

    Heavily inspired by Terraria.

    The final idea is to have a rouge-lite combat sim. with resources for crafting new equipment weapons. Some lite character leveling and an ever-expanding list of Bosses to fight with different AI's


    Here is a download of the project if you want to try it and look at the code. It's bugging (mostly the sword animations) I'm open to suggestions on a better way of doing things.

    controls are: AWSD for movement. Space for jump (double tab to double jump), hold shift to run, mouse wheel to select weapons or top keyboard numbers, and left click to attack.

    Thanks :)

  • That did the trick. Thank you!

  • Hey guys, I'm working on a 2D platformer in the vein of Terraria's combat.

    I have the player build from different sprites to switch out heads, hair, armor.

    I've got them all in a family and pinned. it works ok (except the hair getting displaced when moving)

    The main problem is the camera is super jittery when setting the body sprite to scroll to behavior.

    Maybe I'm building this wrong.

    Please check it out and let me know how I can fix it.

    WASD controls with mouse click to swing weapon.


    Project link

  • I've ran into an odd problem. I have an app that has a vibrate action on a splash page when the app starts. I've been testing it with CacoonJS and it's been working fine.

    I uploaded it to Ludei's cloud compiler and tested the debug apk file and the app would load just fine, but would crash after touching the splash page. It would just close the app, no error or anything.

    So I compiled again without the vibrate action and it worked.

    So, does the browser/vibrate action not compatible with the final apk compile from ludei or am I doing something wrong. Again it works fine when testing with the CacoonJS app.

    Anyone else run into this?


  • Thanks a million guys,

    I'm Going to dive into this when I get home tonight.

    Again thanks for the help.

  • Hound,

    Thanks for taking the time to help out with this.

    This looks exactly like I'm going for.

    I'm going through the code trying to reverse engineer what you've done.

    I would like to be faster.. Could you possibly add some comments in the code so I can grasp what you have done better?

    Thanks again!

    Edit: I think I've got what you did figured out. If you figure out a way to make it faster please let me know. I'll be working on it as well.

    Thanks again.

  • Hi all,

    I'm working on a tile maze and I want to generate a tile maze using prim's algorithm. I've seen some threads/projects on here that are doing something similar but using other techniques. I really like the result of the prim's algorithm.

    I found this:

    I understand the basics of what he is doing there. But, I'm having a little trouble figuring out the code for construct.

    I know I can use an array to do it. use my x and y cords for the grid and my z cord for variables such as weight, and if the cell is open or closed.

    But I need some help on how it moves through the grid choosing the lowest weight and so forth.

    Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.

    Thanks guys

  • I think I got it figured out.

    using EncryptedCows method.

    Thanks a million

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  • Yeah this is how I was thinking..but what if I have 2 portalA's and 2 portalB's in the same level. I can't figure out the code to have it know which portalA connects to which portalB. I have the instance varaibles, but I dont know how to compare them in code.

    So I want to say.. If player collides with portalA, and portalA connection = 0 pick portalB with connection = 0 and set the player position to portalB.

    I can't figure that out in construct code.

  • Ok I'm Stumped.

    I want to have a "Portal" sprite object which I can duplicate.

    Then link the to portals together..

    So when the player hits a portal,, it teleports him to the associated portal.

    So I have two instance variables, State and Connection.

    State being is it a entrance or exit (really just for the animation)

    and Connection being a number that would link the two.. ie 0 and 0 link together.. 1 and 1 link together.

    Problem when I have the player detect collision with a portal.. I can't figure out how to "pick" the linked portal..

    Then I will just set the player position to the other portal..

    I thought about using two sprites .. an A. portal and B. portal.. but still have the same problem if I want more than one set of portals. I still need a way to "pick" the linked sprite.

    Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions you guys have.

  • Thanks Joannesalfa,

    I'll give that a try.

    Crazy that they didn't add that function when they added the export option for node-webkit.

  • Im looking to do a node-webkit export of my game and would like to ad a button for exiting the program. I know there isnt a "exit application" system function. All I've found on the forums is the "quite to splash/title layout" method.. which I'm using for all other exports of the game. Does any know how to do this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • 13 posts