SirBiest's Forum Posts

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  • No ideas?

  • In this topic I'd like to hear some of your ideas regarding cutscenes in Construct 2.

    How would I go about building one?

    Some examples of situations I'm talking about:

    -After a bossfight you want to show an animation where the boss explodes and the player casually walks away

    -A Dialogue sequence with a storm on the background

    So let's hear it

    Do you do it all with events in C2 itself

    Do you make one big animation sprite that takes up the whole screen and add it in a separate layout?

    Or any other way?

  • Any ideas anyone?

  • --capx file in attachement--

    hey guys,

    I have been working on a platformer for quite a while now, its coming along quite nicely, however I have stumbled onto two

    bugs/problems I don't know how to solve. Its been driving me pretty nuts.

    QUICK NOTE: the tp mechanic works so: you click the mouse inside the grey/green rectangle to teleport to that location.

    Im working on a game with a teleportation mechanic. I'm pretty happy with the mechanic I've come up with though its far from perfect.

    In the capx you'll also notice that I'm using the ladder-functionality from this guide: ... form-games

    Now here are my two problems:

    1) when I'm overlapping with the ladder and I press Jump (Ctrl in this case), the ladder works as a slingshot and fires my player-object upwards. Is there a convenient way for my character to jump normally when overlapping with the ladder?

    2) If you climb the ladder and walk onto the platform next to it, you'll see a second ladder suspended in the air. The ladder is out of reach of the Teleportation-Bubble (this is a good simulation of multiple encounters you'll face in the game)

    The idea here is to jump, then teleport in the air to grab the ladder.

    If you do this in the split second it takes for the player to jump UP, then you are fine.

    HOWEVER, in most cases people will teleport while falling down.

    This causes 2 problems:

    -when teleporting on the ladder, the downwards momentum does not stop, and you immediately fall of.

    -if you do manage to press the up-arrow in time to stay on the ladder, the downwards momentum still makes it so you can't go up,

    but merely stay in the same place or even drop down a bit.

    Questions: How do I make it so my player doesnt fall down once I click for teleportation in mid air?

    And how do I make sure that the player sticks to the ladder with 0 gravity when teleporting on it?

    Any help is much appreciated <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

  • alright thanks

  • So I know using big *ss images as backgrounds isnt very efficient and I one of my smaller games has shows that those big images often don't even load properly.

    So what is a good way to go about creating "elaborate" backgrounds for 2 platformers? Say, for the sake of the argument, that I am working on a 6000:2000 Layout Size, obviously, an HD image covering that entire space is way too big. So, do I create smaller Tiles like you would a top-down pixelart game? What if I would want a nice looking mountain with the sun going down, I can't create that with only a dozen tiles. Do I then draw the image as I want it displayed, and then cut it into smaller bits that I then place on my layout?

    Fire away guys! Teach me how to make some nice looking 2D backgrounds

  • thx, will try it out!

  • So here is the scenario:

    Imagine a 2d side-scroller.

    A door is blocking your way

    However, activating a lever makes the door slide up, sort of like a garage door.

    How would I go about programming that sliding-effect?

    Right now the best I've got is a gimmick where activating the lever activates 8-direction UP control.

    And when the door is overlapping an "Doorstop" object, the 8-direction control is ignored again.

    I've got a picture in the attachement.

  • If you use any images over 2048x2048 (which the image editor should warn you about if you do), it will only display if the hardware supports it. That's only speculation though and it's impossible to say anything more certain unless you share the .capx.

    the layout and background image size is: 8265, 586

    so that would be the issue? The irregularity of the bug is the weird part though. If it was hardware, then this issue would show on every browser, right?

    I'm fine with sharing the capx file if that would help you guys. How do I go about doing that?

  • I've put the game on a freehost website and my friends still had the same issue, so we can rule out the C2 Arcade as a possible cause as well.

    The background is made with inkscape, so the fact that it is a vector-drawing might be a factor. However, in that case no graphics should be visible at all because I've made them all in inkscape.

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  • Both my chrome and firefox recently updated. I'm using latest versions respectively. And can't test older versions, need to be at office for that. Hope you figure it out. will follow, as that is something that needs an answer for

    It is a strange issue indeed.

  • It's not a monitor issue. After further testing, my mates can play the game on Internet Explorer, but not on Firefox or Chrome. So it does have something to do with those browsers it seems.

    Who would have ever guessed that IE would beat Chrome and Firefox to anything huh

    EDIT: I've set the game window to 854x480, a simple 16:9 resolution.

  • No idea why it doesnt work for them then

  • Anyone?

  • I just uploaded my first game to the arcade: (I can't embed URL's apparently) The game is called Shade, it's right on top in the new games section of the arcade

    I tested it on firefox and chrome, it works perfectly fine for me.

    But anyone else trying to play can't see the background-image of the Game.

    It's just black...

    How can I fix this? I have no idea what might have gone wrong

    EDIT: Ive tested the game myself on another laptop and the background DOES show on that one. So the game works fine on 2 computers, and the background is black on 2 others. I R Confuse

  • 15 posts