If I only use "rotate" the player slide over the platform in a weird fashion. It a little bit like if the program was trying to keep the position of the player in X and not its relative position to the platform.
How can i sell a bundle of sound on construct?
If i bought your font, can i use it and modify it to use in the title of a game (only one game)? It would be used in the title screen and sold under that title. Thank for your attention.
Thank you.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Can i use a a royalty free asset to write the title of my game or its considered as a logo a trademark? To game would be sold under that name.
If i buy a commercial license and sprites in the scirra store, can i sell the game i have made without any problem? I havent found clear info. Thanks
I want to seamlessly make a big sprite wrap around a layout. Normal Wrap behavior just work if 100% of the sprite disappear. I would like that the sprite (Example:GiantFireBall) gradually appear on one side as it disappear from the opposite side and do the same up/down.(10%/90% -30%/70% 50%/50%) Not 0% of the image and then 100% instantly. If the fireball is created on the frontier of the layout, maybe half of the fireball will appear one side and the other half on the other side. Thank for your attention.
Thanks a lot for the good info and have nice day.
Well... it will have to rotate around is creation point, while getting away from is creation point. I can make a circle trajectory, but not a spiral.
Is creation point can appear anywhere at the location of the player.
I want do make an object move like the paladin hammer in Diablo 2. I've tryed to make the object distance itself from is origin point while rotating. (Rotation behavior). Thanks.
Would you consider doing an ''up and down trigger''? I've only seen a ''left and right trigger''. I would be willing to pay for this. I'm creating a big map and it would be a really interesting feature. Keep on the good work and have a nice day.
I would like to know how to make an enemie with a solid into which you can pass through (all direction). So the enemie hit you when you touch him with your main character and while your invicible (After being hit your invicible a for about 1 second) and can pass through him. In a lot of 2d platformer you can do that. Maybe its the main character who gain the possibility to pass through enemie solid after getting hit. Thank for reading.
I want to edit a whole layer as an image in another program.