silvermaan's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Just popping in to say I've had mostly the same issues. Saving and loading are dramatically longer. I've had at least 3 or 4 instances of the "Saving..." progress bar popping up and the program either going straight to "Not Responding" or the progress bar just not filling up or even showing the "working..." animation to indicate anything is going on in the background. This has led to the project being corrupted twice in the last two days.

    Lag is often and severe. Opening the animation dialogue, switching between animations, and creating a new animation are particularly bad, and when I close the dialogue, the Properties Bar spends 7-8 seconds cycling through the whole project and freezing once it gets to the end before I can do anything. Same thing happens when I delete an object from the project.

    Steam overlay off, style set to basic, computer restarted, nothing helps. I would roll back to r250, but as far as I can tell, you can't do that with a Steam purchase.

  • I'm currently storing side quest data in an array as a bunch of index values that I retrieve when displaying the quest log. Basically, ", set QuestLogText1 to 'Find the herbs'" and so on and so forth, with each array slot corresponding to a QuestLogText and the values within being signifiers for individual quests. New side quests that the player picks up are added to the end of the array.

    When the player completes a quest that's stored in the middle of the array (and can't be popped front or back), I need to take out that number and move it to another array (CompletedQuests) while bumping up all the data behind it and maintaining the same array size so that there aren't any gaps/empty slots in the middle of the quest log. What's the best way to go about this?

  • It's an old file.

    Change DestText object to spritefont and it will work fine.

    Perfect! Thanks a ton.

  • Can't seem to figure out how to make my text appear one character at a time, rather than all at once. Anyone know how to do this?

    Example: The winner of the 2030 game context opened up with the sort of text that I'm talking about :

  • Ahh, thanks so much. Works great.

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  • I need some help figuring out how to get my character and NPC sprites to properly layer when they're in front and behind of each other. What I want to do is this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Where when the red sprite is in front of the blue sprite it shows up on top, but when the red sprite is behind the blue sprite the blue sprite is on top. Working with single layers just ends up with one sprite always being on top, regardless of position:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Is the best way to handle this to cut my sprites in half at the waist with the waist-down being on a lower layer than the waist up? If I put the collision box in the lower half, the sprites should be able to line up properly:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    So, that works, but I'm posting here in hopes of there being a better way, whether there's a function I didn't know about, or a behavior someone's published, or just an easier trick someone thought up.

    Thanks in advance.

  • 6 posts