-Silver-'s Forum Posts

  • So! Pasting objects works perfectly for both of them! Thanks for that, R0J0 ^_^

    Before I pursue this rather than try to solve the issue of layer pasting instead, will I run into Z order and/or transparency issues with pasted objects? I'm looking for a real-time reflection solution because it's a city-building game, so the layout changes and evolves constantly. There are also large objects on top of all the buildings that can be created that are at 100% transparency when the player is zoomed in and building, and 0% transparency when zoomed out.

    So if I can create an event that loops to paste every object on that layer into a canvas/paster, will it also retain the Z order and transparency?

    Many thanks for all your help so far. I really appreciate it

  • Thanks for the reply

    I can't get it working though, which is weird, because your original method in the thread I linked worked perfectly, just very intensive.

    It might be the origin part that's giving me issues? Is that the same thing as a hotspot? Because the origin option (when I double click the canvas object) is greyed out and won't let me edit it. I can edit the hotspot from the attribute panel on the left, but trying various different positions doesn't help. I've tried adding a "fill canvas with colour" event too, just to check it's appearing in the right place, and that works fine. Just no reflections.

    I also tried using the Paster plugin you created, but I can only see a "paste object" option, and no "paste layer" option like the canvas has.

  • There's a fantastic example of using the Canvas plugin to create real time reflections in this thread: https://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=147&t=71912&hilit=reflection

    It's also insanely expensive (performance-wise) in my game, so I was wondering if it's possible to just use one canvas object? Like a single big plane, mirroring the environment above it, without all the fancy water wobbling that the above solution has. I'll try and use a blur filter and some particle effects to create the illusion of water afterwards.

    Is that possible? I'm rubbish with numbers. I can replicate the effect above in my own game by recreating all the events, but individually I have absolutely no idea what those events are doing. So I also have no idea what tweaking them will do, or how to achieve a reflection on a single big plane instead of 20 of them. I hereby humbly request the aid of someone who doesn't involuntarily shudder at the sight of numbers and algebra

  • ALWAYS work in power of two sizes. So 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024 etc. I have no idea why. I'm just an artist. I just know that's the way it has to be

    I created this at 512x256 (doesn't have to be a square, just make sure each axis is a power of two) and then resized it down to 256x128 for in-game use. I always work larger than I need to and scale down afterwards. Just in case I need a larger image than I thought, and because I find it difficult to create art at really small sizes.

  • Posted a gif below to show you an example of what I'm hoping can be accomplished.

    I know how to create the directional wind, where the angle of the sine is the same for each clump of grass. That's easy enough What I'd like to be able to do is calculate what the angle of each grass sprite should be for a radial burst of wind, based on where the burst of wind originates from relevant to the position of each grass sprite. So rather than all moving, say, 10 degrees to the right, some will move 10 degrees to the left, some 5 degrees one way, some 2 degrees, etc. Would that be possible?

  • Haha, buried in page four of the thread

    That's exactly what I mean - next time one of these competitions is put together, definitely make the rules more transparent! Keep them on the first post, under the "rules" section, and don't keep changing them as you go along and then also neglect to update the main topic with the changes

    We've now got a situation where some people have had over two months to work on their submissions, while others have abided by the deadline from the original rules and deliberately held back on improving their game for fear of being disqualified.

  • All I can see in the rules/instructions from both the C2 topic (this thread) and Newgrounds topic (here) are that the deadline is June 15th. That's why I'm confused about so many people continuing to work on and improve their submissions, even a full two weeks after the deadline Wish I'd known this was allowed, but I don't see it mentioned anywhere in the rules sections on either site.

  • I'm noticing a few odd votes on my game too, with strange justifications. It might just be the community though, I've not been there before now.

    I think future competitions could do with some much more concrete guidelines. Not just to better explain that votes from other users account for nothing, but also how "updates" work. I've just read back through this thread and seen people are continuing to work on their submissions after the deadline, not just with bug fixes but full-on content updates and mechanic tweaks. Doesn't that defeat the point of working to a deadline? What about those of us who worked to that deadline and then stopped - now we're learning that we could have continued adding content that we had to cut last minute, and further polish our entries?

    At the end of the day, I entered for the experience and to push myself out of my comfort zone (fantasy-based settings). But for future competitions, we definitely need to set some more rigid rules, because I'm now completely confused about the point of a deadline

  • Post a request in the Job Offers and Team Requests section.

  • Once the judging period is over, it does take a lot longer than people think to judge competitions so please be patient! Tom Fulp is the main judge and he's very thorough as well.

    And so many great games to play through. I'm amazed at the number and quality of submissions. Thanks for putting this competition together

  • My submission, uploaded just in time (phew!)


    Arcology is a city-building game, focused on the problem of ever-rising population levels, and the need to live sustainably. By 2030 Arcologies could be financially feasible, though it's still going to be a challenge to manage them. Can you create a sustainable Arcology?

    The main twists to the genre for this game are:

    Population: Rises constantly, whether you want it to or not. That's how the world works. As the Governor of this city it's up to you to provide homes and food for people. Most city-building games only increase population as the player creates new houses, allowing players to freeze population levels at will. If only life was so simple!

    Sustainability: The purpose of an Arcology is to be self-sustaining. If your Sustainability level reaches zero, the Arcology project has failed, and it's game over.

    Connect 4: More or less The vast majority of buildings provide bonuses when built alongside specific other buildings, and you build vertically as well as horizontally. There's a whole variety of different combinations, multiple play styles to focus on, so should lead to a lot of replayability. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to construct every possible building in one play through.

  • > Thank you SO much! Using families solved the problem <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">


    > Added bonus - I had no idea families had been added to C2! I was still patiently waiting, expecting them to one day pop up in the same place they were in Classic, somewhere around C2's containers section in the left-hand panel <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">


    I suggest you to read the manual more often: https://www.scirra.com/manual/1/construct-2

    not saying that with a mean spirit, just families are I think here since.. 2012? ( https://www.scirra.com/construct2/releases/r75 )

    Yep, I've just not been active with C2 before <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz"> Bought it at launch to support the Scirra team, but have been working with Construct Classic up until now.

    Thanks for the link though, I'll definitely be paying more attention to C2 from now on!

  • Thank you SO much! Using families solved the problem

    Added bonus - I had no idea families had been added to C2! I was still patiently waiting, expecting them to one day pop up in the same place they were in Classic, somewhere around C2's containers section in the left-hand panel

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  • Thanks for the reply

    They're 48x48 objects, so figured an overlap check at self.X -/+ 48 would work.

    I've tried changing it to an overlap check of -/+24, tried getting rid of the "for each" part, and tried checking for housing overlapping housing again rather than overlapping the additional yellow box. Still not working and I have no idea why

    As for arrays, I've never understood them. I'm a very visual person, good with art, terrible with numbers. I can puzzle things out with collision checks because it's a much more visual process. Arrays... just confuse the hell out of me

    If anyone has an idea about why this collision check is failing, I'd love to hear from you. Even if it's just a complete guess!

    Many thanks!

  • Hoping someone can shed some light on where I'm going wrong here

    In a nutshell: I'm making a city-building game, and when players construct housing blocks next to each other I'd like to add a bonus to the number of people they can house. By default, a housing block adds space for 10 units of population. Adjacent housing blocks should increase that by an additional 5 units. So if you build three housing blocks in a row, the centre block will provide 20 units, and the outside blocks will provide 15 units each.

    What I've tried: I'm running this event sheet section under a "System: Every 1.0 Seconds" check, with the idea that the game will regularly be checking each housing block to see if it has become eligible for bonus population, but without running the checks every single tick:

    The yellow SlotHousingBonus object is created on top of each SlotHousing object (and will be invisible). I tried this because asking the event to check if each SlotHousing was overlapping another SlotHousing at an offset wasn't working. This attempt isn't working either, and I'm not sure why. Population stays at 10 units for each block instead of adding the bonus amounts as well.

    Does the "For Each Object" command not work this way? Is there a mistake I'm making in the checks? I can't figure this one out myself

    Many thanks for reading.