-Silver-'s Forum Posts

  • So I have this little critter:

    <img src="http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc212/darkstorne/1.png" border="0" />

    And I have this event list for his movement/attacks:

    <img src="http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc212/darkstorne/SpiderEvents.png" border="0" />

    Which works fine when there's just one spider in the game. But as soon as I insert a second one, they just mimic each other. So when one is attacking, the other is attacking too even if he isn't in range. Slapping a "For each Spider" command in front of the events doesn't help <img src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Is this a bad way to create events for enemies? Am I supposed to create a different sprite set and event list for each one, naming them Spider1, Spider2, Spider3 etc? That could work, but the VRAM overhead would be pretty huge, especially for my Stag enemies which have a lot of animation frames.

    Thanks for reading <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Spoke too soon. I can't seem to make much sense of it.

    The values I change the Y Speed of the Warp Effect to seem to ignore common sense, and have rules unto themselves. Check out this quick .CAP I put together to show the issue:


    The wave starts out with a Y Speed of 5.

    Left Arrow sets it to -50

    Right arrow to +50

    Up Arrow to 100

    Down Arrow to 1

    A sets it to 60 (so you'd expect it to be slightly faster or slower than 50)

    S sets it to 40 (again, slightly slower or faster than 50)

    W should set the value to 5 again.

    The results however... are bizarre. It's like each value has its own speed, completely irrelevant to the speeds of similar values. So while 50 is a moderate speed, 40 and 60 are batsh*t insane. And setting it to 5 using the W key is a completely different speed to the default 5.

    Maybe I'm missing something? Either I'm using it wrong, or the action isn't working as intended.

  • Thank you! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I was ready to give up on the pretty warping water <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • Is this possible yet? I found a thread about it from 2009 where the devs said it was being considered: scirra.com/forum/manipulating-layer-effects_topic36611.html

    I'm trying to manipulate a warp layer effect for water in my game, so that the warp speed looks consistent whether you are standing still or moving in either direction. Using the canvas object leads to some very odd visual artifacts <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'm using a slow moving plasma effect to create waterfalls, but they only start 'flowing' when they are on-screen. Is there any way to tell the plasma to start doing its thing even when it's off-screen?

    As it stands, you have to wait a few seconds before the waterfall is fully flowing as the plasma slowly works it's way down. Speeding it up isn't an option, since making it fast enough to almost instantly be in full flow completely breaks the illusion of flowing water.

  • Yep, good catch! I'll see how much of that I can hide with hotspot placement when I move it in-game. It's stupid things like this that I don't notice when I've spent hours staring at it :P

  • Been a long while since I updated about my game publicly. I've been getting loads of help from Tulamide though. That guy is an absolute genius. I would love some feedback on this red deer animation though:

    <img src="http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc212/darkstorne/Stag.gif" border="0" />

    I know it plays too fast - Photoshop doesn't seem flexible enough for this. But it's basically two animations put into one GIF: A running/charging animation, and an attacking/rearing animation. I also have a third animation completed of the stag grazing and looking up when the player is nearby (the player is a wolf).

    Now... thing is... I'm getting really stretched for time. I honestly wanted a demo complete by now, and I'm still a ways off. These animations are all first attempts, whereas my wolf's running animation took me five attempts to get to a quality I was happy enough with (and I still want to tinker more with that one - you can see it in this thread: scirra.com/forum/wolf-animation_topic48201.html

    So although there's definitely some errors with these animations (asides from the playback speed) do you think it's of passable quality? If there's anything that stands out as really problematic then I will certainly need to address it.

    Thanks for reading <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Zotged, I love you man! Setting the sprite as global and creating a new instance of it on another layout let me add the behaviour <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    And thanks for the warning. I'll have to play around with it on friend's and family member's computers/laptops to check the fps hit. It isn't opacity though, just angle (with the hotspot at the base of the grass sprite, so it leans left and right slightly).

  • I just encountered this message too. I handplaced a <img src="smileys/smiley35.gif" border="0"> ton of grass sprites for a meadow area, then tried to select them all (through the sprite list on the left of the screen). It took about a second for all the sprites to show a blue box around them, and then that message appeared: "A required resource was unavailable." No matter how many times I clicked the confirmation box, it wouldn't go away. Had to ctrl+alt+del to close Construct.

    Luckily I had saved before trying to select them all, so I don't need to do it all again! But I want to select them all so that I can add a sine behaviour to them, making them sway. If I can't select them all, then I may well have to delete them all and start again anyway...

    Anyone know if this is an issue that can be solved? I'd rather save myself half an hour of repetitive work if I can <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Haha, thanks! I updated my reply with a guess, but as I expected, I was completely wrong <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thanks Pecek, much appreciated <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Ahhhh, okay thanks! I have that event set up three times, for three different sections of my level (to keep clouds spread out, and stop a freak occurrence of them all spawning next to each other). So at the moment I have the three X positions as:




    So if the first one should just be random(3000), how would I calculate the others? The mathematic side of my brain leaves a lot to be desired, so I'm struggling to understand how to adapt your example of random(100)-50 <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    EDIT: Does the -50 part mark the starting point, and the (100) mean how to much to go up to from there? So would my second event be random(3000)6500? I may be completely wrong here.

  • I'm trying to spawn clouds on my background at a random X location, where they will then fade in and out over 30 seconds before spawning again. The clouds always spawn in the exact same X position though. Here's what I have for the event:

    Every 30000 milliseconds

    System: Create object Cloud on layer "Clouds" at (random(1,3000), 790)

    Have I misunderstood how the random expression works? I thought that random(1,3000) would make the cloud spawn somewhere between 1 and 2999 on the X axis.

    Thanks for your time <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Would I be able to apply a Warp effect to a box then?

    Say, place a box over the water, and have a Warp effect affect everything inside the box, on that layer only. I don't want it to warp the player as well when he's in the water though.

  • I've got water in my game on its own layer, and am using the Warp effect on that layer to give an illusion of movement and turbulence. Looks great when you stand still, but as the camera moves, so too does the Warp effect. It seems linked to the camera, and that gives the illusion of faster turbulence in the water when the camera moves.

    The water speeds up when you move, and slows back down when you remain stationary.

    Is there a way to make the layer effects independent from the camera? Or perhaps a better way of warping things in a specific area?

  • It looks like (in Ghouls 'n Ghosts) the trunk is actually a separate texture to the canopy. So the trunk doesn't have the distort effect, and the distort effect starts at the very bottom of the canopy texture.

    Make sure your hotspot is in the right place too. If the sine effect is spinning your tree, maybe your hotspot is in the middle of the tree texture. Place it at the bottom of the trunk (or bottom of the canopy, if you split the trunk and canopy into two different textures) and you should get much better results.

    Hand animating does look a heck of a lot better, but it also affects VRAM usage a lot too. I created a 20 frame animation for five different trees, put them into a .CAP, and created a dynamic wind effect to animate them. Looked great! But what would have been 5 different textures using warp/sine/distort effects, became 100 different textures with this hand animated technique. Not cool.