signaljacker's Forum Posts

  • Here's an example of what I mean. If you play the attached file when you jump with up key near a ledge the character will hold onto it (the state of the hitbox will be jump) if you press z, an animation will play and hitbox will be teleported up to the ledge. If you're jumping this seems to work ok - although it was a headache to even get that far and another user worked out that I needed to set a small offset to stop construct triggering the jump animation. The problem now, is that if you catch the ledge when falling (try jumping from one pillar to the other and grabbing the ledge) when the character pulls themselves up it triggers the fall animation straight after the hitbox teleports. Already, the system I have had to set up is very 'hacky' and not very good. It could be made much more elegant and could probably actually work with control over those states. ... t.c3p?dl=0 <--- C3 file ... .capx?dl=0 <---- C2 file

  • I thought that setting vector x and vector y to 0 would fix this too, but it doesn't appear to. When the object is returned to a platform it still continues from where it left off and triggers unwanted animations (even if the hitbox doesn't necessarily move, or appear to move). It would be really good to have control over the states so that I could just set it to "stopped" therefore overwriting the land animation (when necessary). Giving the character a bunch of variables and changing animations depending on what's happening is a good idea, but I'm thinking it may still have the same problem - because I have a landing animation and would need to call it when "on landed" happens - which is still part of the inbuilt platform behaviour - and since that is what is triggering when I don't want it to, it would probably still trigger.

  • Not in this particular case, the problem is that when the object is returned to a platform it continues on from the state it thinks it's in so for example if it thinks it's falling then when placed onto another platform it will force a land, which in turn triggers a land animation, which I don't want. I have found some workarounds, but none seem to be working consistently, and are causing erratic behaviour, which is why I would prefer to control the animation mode by events rather than let it do it's own thing.

  • Sorry, I meant to post this in the C2 area - may not be applicable to C3...?

  • Hi, I'm using the default platform behaviour - in debug mode if you look at how it operates there is an un-editable variable called "Animation Mode" which changes depending on whether the object is stopped, moving, jumping or falling. I can see that this is obviously how the default platform behaviour keeps track of what the player is doing but I'm wondering is there a way I can force the mode. The problem is that if my character jumps or falls and is then pinned to an object in the air - even though it is no longer moving/falling the animation mode still thinks that it is jumping or falling. I would like to force reset this to "stopped" as it is causing issues with what I'm trying to do. Is there any way to overwrite this? Or am I better off looking at custom movement (want to avoid this if possible).

  • Thanks very much for the imagepoint solution, it seems to work well so I'm going with it!

  • Hi, I'm trying to make wall climbing similar to the original Prince of Persia. I don't know if this is the best way to go about it, but I have it set so that if the player hitbox is overlapping a wall by an x offset and presses the z key a climb animation will play. When the climb animation finishes it then teleports the player hitbox to an image point on top of the wall so that it is in the correct position to continue play.

    My player hitbox is 16x32 and the pivot point is in the middle of this. So to get the player flush against the top of the wall after they've climbed it I have my wall's image point set to y -16. What happens though is weird - when the hitbox teleports to the wall's image point, instead of being on the ground flush as you would expect it to, it instead triggers the fall animation - and messes everything up.

    What is interesting, is if I compensate by one extra pixel and set the wall's image point to -17 it works almost perfectly, however there is then a weird 1 pixel gap between the player hitbox and the top of the wall - it just kind of hovers there as if the platform behaviour has forgotten about gravity. If you jump or walk, it will then return to the ground correctly. Is this some kind of bug in the platform behaviour?

    I have pixel rounding on, for the record.

    Is there a better way I could achieve this sort of Prince of Persia style climbing?

    CAPX attached for anyone who can take a look

    Thanks for any insight!

    Link to CAPX

  • Thanks for doing this, must have been a hell of a job. I might have some old plugins saved on a backup somewhere, I'll see what I can dig up.

  • I'm not sure how to achieve that exact effect, but have you looked at either the Paster or Canvas plugins? I would probably start with those.

  • I haven't subbed, and I may not. I'm in too deep with C2 projects and switching will be more trouble than it's worth. I also can't really see any incentive to switch as C2 is currently doing what I need it to. I lost a lot of interest when I saw the rental scheme, C3 in action and the attitude of the devs toward ownership and access to one's own work. A real shame.

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    An excellent, well thought out post - thanks for taking the time.

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    The reality is that HTML5 isn't good for console export. It sucks for WiiU, and it'll probably suck for the switch. You probably aren't going to get good performance on a complex game with HTML5 on anything that's not a PC. The exception might be Xbox one, since they're trying to unify apps across windows based devices, so they have more incentive to get things working smoothly on that front.

    If you want a game with good performance on all consoles today, don't shoot yourself in the foot from the start by using HTML5.

    I think this is actually what causes a lot of issues for people using Construct. The interface is great for making games so it feels like the sky is the limit, but in reality it's probably best for making browser based web games - and who actually makes those? I've never been remotely interested in HTML5 games, I just like the interface, and I suspect it's the same for many other users too.

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    Same could be said for any engine.


    If doesn't get anything done.

    If doesn't even start.

    Any other engine without a lockout won't have that problem.

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    Having access to the assets is a different thing though. With your PSD example, at the moment there is alternative software to Photoshop with full PSD compatibility (or at least very close to) so it's not a problem. You won't be able to do that with an entire game. If Scirra got bought out by a big company and they took the guts of C3 for another project and then cancelled C3 no one would be able to edit their projects. That's an extreme example, but a valid one as stuff like that happens all the time.

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    > Even if C3's subscription was $1 a year I would still fight hard to change it.


    That's absolutely ridiculous.

    If it was only a dollar a year, you would probably pay less than $80 on the software over your lifetime and wouldn't that be as good as owning it? That would be an insanely better deal than just buying it out right for $500 or whatever price you mentioned before. I think you're so fixated on this one aspect that it's clouding your judgment.

    $100 a year really isn't that expensive either. It only amounts to $8.25 a month to subscribe. That's absurdly cheap as far as subscriptions go. I pay close to 3 times that for HBO.


    So how does the full version of C3 compare to C2? Is it the same or better? Should I wait to subscribe?

    I feel you may have missed my point, price is not the issue so I'm not sure why you're discussing it in relation to my argument. I just used that example to illustrate that even at a ridiculous price of $1 I would still be wary of using C3 long term due to the lockout. I would happily pay $200 a year sub if the model was better but would fight to change it even if it was as low as a dollar in its current state. The issue is perpetual access to one's own work, not price.