signaljacker's Forum Posts

  • Hi, I have recently run into this issue - up until now I have not been using third party plugins but I found a useful one for my project so installed and used it. I am working across multiple devices and browsers - sometimes using the app and sometimes using browser to build the game. Now when I open my project it tells me there is a dependency on a plugin and that it's not installed. If I install the plugin and restart construct I get the same error, it just doesn't remember that the plugin is installed. Oddly enough it seems to work in firefox, but in Chrome or the app I can't even open my project. It should be noted that it always asks me to log in as well it never retains my login info. Any tips on what could be causing this? I've installed this plugin about 10 times now and it's driving me mad. Thanks for any assistance or ideas.

  • Yes, it is very frustrating indeed. I realise this would be a low priority for C3 dev at this stage, but it just seems like poor design, completely locking you out of a project because a third party plugin is missing. I can't think of any other creative software that does this. They will always load the main project, albeit without the bits that are missing. Maybe there is a good reason, but due to how many of these plugins were stored years ago, trawling the forums for anything just results in a bunch of dead dropbox links.

  • I have a rather large C2 project that I'm trying to open in C3. It uses a bunch of plugins and behaviours that I don't really care about, what I want is to be able to open the project to copy and paste some of the events and objects into a new project to save time. I don't seem to be able to copy and paste between C2 and C3 which is frustrating, so I'm trying to open the project up but I get a bunch of errors. C3 essentially locks me out of the entire thing. I know I can manually remove them all, or convert the C2 behaviours to C3 (I don't have time for that). Is there a good reason why it locks you out completely? I realise any event references to plugins/behaviours that aren't present won't work, but couldn't any of those just be disabled or deleted on startup (with a warning)? Maybe there is a good technical reason for this, but in the audio world for instance if you load up third party software such as a VSTi in a DAW, if that software is missing it doesn't lock you out of the whole project, it just tells you it's missing and can't process the part that uses the third party software - and this system works really well.

    Migrating a large project from C2 to C3, rather than being super easy, is a nightmare.

  • I had a quick look at some old posts and it appears it's not possible.

    I realise that this is a weird request because normally you would want either one or the other, but in the interests of experimentation and customisation I want the user to have the option to switch between nearest neighbour and trilinear. Because my game has a lo-fi glitch aesthetic it makes a lot of sense for me to be able to switch between the modes on the fly. Is there a method to do this, or a technical reason why that option doesn't appear to be available as an event?


  • Thanks for the response, I was worried that might be the case. Not the end of the world, just wanted to see if there was a super simple workaround.

  • I am using the standard noise FX applied to a layout and I have a menu that when activated sets the timescale of the game to 0 and then allows various animations to run afterward so that the menu can look nice. The noise FX stops as expected when the timescale is set to 0, but I would like to keep it running because it will look much nicer. Is there a way to "restart it" somehow, or control it via events? At the moment it just freezes the noise overlay on screen, which doesn't look nice.

  • Games like Ori don't actually have massive backgrounds. They just cleverly layer things. If you look closely, you will notice that it's the same stuff used over and over again, but maybe rotated/scaled differently. They use a lot of little tricks to make it seem fresh. You're thinking like a traditional artist, in that a background is a large static object. You need to think like a game designer in that a background can be made up from many smaller objects that can be repeated/tweaked. This is better for both memory, and allows you more flexibility in making your background more dynamic.

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  • I have some old C2 projects that I want to reuse a bunch of actions from. As far as I can tell there appears to be no way to copy and paste actions between Construct 2 and 3, or am I missing something? I tried to open up my C2 project in C3, but it won't allow me to because of some old plugins that were used. Is there some way to bypass that and just proceed so that I can get to the event sheets? Thanks. I understand that the program won't run properly without those plugins but it seems a bit extreme to lock me out of the project completely as there is a whole host of other useful things I can be getting from it.

  • Thanks for the suggestions. Magicam looks great, but a bit worried about using a behaviour that no longer seems to be supported - and is labelled as alpha. It looks solid though - is it pretty reliable? I remember it being around for Construct Classic.

    I ended up ditching the scrollto method used in the tutorial I linked. Put my lookahead camera back in and locked it to half a screen width away from the ends of each zone the player is overlapping - so it lerps a bit in front of the player if they are more than 320 pixels over from the left hand side and less than 320 pixels in from the right and it's working an absolute treat!

  • Hi all, I'm thinking of switching my camera from a free roaming camera with scrollto behaviour to zone based - I really like how the zone based camera works in this tutorial (which also has .capx example):

    Because I was using a free roaming camera before I was able to attach a scrollto behaviour to it and use the 'shake' setting to call screenshakes - but this won't work if I use the zone based method as the camera is locked based on player position. If I add another object with scrollto behaviour on it, so that I can call the shake, the focus then shifts to that object, which I don't want. I need a way to be able to call a nice looking screenshake, but also be able to keep the camera pretty much locked to the zone I'm in.

    The only way I can think to do it is to put the zone based camera movement into a group and temporarily disable it when I call a manual screenshake - move the scrollx and scrolly parameters around a bit - before re-enabling the zone based camera and it will lock back in - but I'm having trouble getting a nice screenshake this way, the inbuilt one on the scrollto behaviour looks much better.

    I've got unbounded scrolling on, but I don't seem to be getting very far. Has anyone tackled anything similar to this?

    Thanks for any suggestions :)

  • How are you changing the colours at the moment, are you using the "tint" effect or something different?

  • Thanks for the excellent suggestions. Ultimately I would like them to be saved between sessions so I will look into how to do it with local storage. The other methods are really clever too though and will probably come in handy at some point - thanks for the suggestions!

  • I've been working on a title screen which contains a sub menu with options where the player can tweak various things like sfx/music volume and a couple of simple graphics settings before starting the game. I'm storing these settings in global variables. Only problem is, that when the user presses "new game" those global variables are all reverted back to their defaults (by design, as the game needs to do this), so once the game actually starts - whatever changes the user made on the title screen don't carry over. I'm just wondering what the best approach for dealing with something like this is - I'm guessing that saving those variables to an external file and then loading it in and checking it is probably the way to go - considering that I'm targeting Windows desktop - what would the best method be to do this and are there any potential problems I should know about when writing/reading back variables like that?

    Thanks for any insight!

  • Interesting! Ok so I think I understand, but correct me if I'm wrong - you want the transition to be very slow, but also reactive to your movements - so if you were walking from Forest Town to Spirits Zone the background colour would start off green, and then as you walked further to the right more purple and less green would be added until it was completely purple (when arrived at spirit town). A gradual transition like that will certainly be more tricky and yes, I think the only way to do it would be by setting the colours every tick (or at least a very small time increment). I don't know how to do it off the top of my head (although someone else here might have some suggestions). One thing that MIGHT help to visualise it, is looking at how a slider bar is put together - although it is different, there are certainly some similarities to your problem - there is a video here which goes through how to make a slider bar in construct 2

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    The similarities I see, are that the slider bar needs a minimum value (your initial colour), a maximum value (the colour you want to change to) and a step (how far along your journey you are/how far between start and end colours you are). You would probably need to set up a bunch of variables to keep track of starting and ending colours and then change these depending on what part of the screen you are on (either by checking x,y position in the layout or using collision triggers). It sounds like you may have already set up something like that so I'm not sure if it's any help...

  • Hi! It's a bit hard to give advice without some more info about how your level is set up. I'm also working on a Metroid style game and have divided my different zones into different layouts which are linked. But there is of course nothing stopping you doing everything on one layout - in fact there are many advantages to it as well. Are you backgrounds made up of multiple layers for parallax scrolling or are they just single static images? Do the backgrounds need to scroll both horizontally and vertically? Do the background elements need to change, or only the colours? Does the colour transition need to be smooth, or can it be immediate? A lot will also depend on how you have set up your game's camera. Games like Metroid use a zone based approach, where each screen's boundaries are limited until the player transitions through a door - are you using something similar to that?