Shyrion's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • IT WORKS! Thanks! First It didn't work, but adding AJAX to the project, It worked perfectly.

  • Oh my god. Wonderful. I'll try it now.

  • Hello guys.

    Since last time I wrote here, my project has advanced a lot. Now I have a problem trying to make save games with this method. I have few local variables because I use a 10x10 array. I've tried to save it as Haematite says in that example, but It seems not to load correctly.

    I have an object in HUD layer whose width depends on an array value. Same with weapon duration. When the game loads the "variables" stored in the array don't work. That two are only few examples of the problem, and I was wondering if is there another method for doing this copy.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Sometimes I can't believe I've built so much game. OBVIOUSLY "System:wait" IS perfect. And now I think I understand picking. Thanks again.

  • OMG!!! It's Possible! Seriously, I had no doubt about it, but I never thought it was SO easy.

    MANY thanks for your quick response Kyatric. I will implement this now. But I have a doubt: "System: wait" doesn't also stop player's movement?

  • Hello to all. This is my first "How do I" post.

    I have to say that I rad the forum almost everyday and it helps me a lot building my game, but in this specific thing I've read all the "howtos" of picking instances and all that but I'm stuck.

    I'll explain the problem:

    I have x instances of a sprite "1" distributed over the layout that spawn another sprite "2" on start. My problem is that I cannot figure out how to tell a specific "1" to respawn "2" 10 seconds after HIS specific instance of "2" is destroyed.

    I suppose that it's possible to use picking to logically "link" each instance of "1" to his "2", but i don't know how.

    The effect has to look similar to what is seen on "Wonderboy in monster land". You kill an enemy and, x seconds after it's destroyed, it "revives". And this repeats for three or four times, and then it won't reappear until you reenter the scenario.

    Thanks in advance

  • Hello!

    I'm a technician and gamer who is beginning to make his own games. I've tried other systems in the past, but when yesterday discovered Construct 2, I decided that this is "the software".

    So I'm here, studying your tutorials and taking a brief time to register and introducing myself.

    Good work guys.

  • 7 posts