Shubi's Forum Posts

  • Jayjay

    I did not understand the way you are suggesting and i tried minify dot com, it certainly shows minifying scripts is not a safe method anymore and i wanted sharing to work with minify because i wanted to keep my game code secure so i simply won't minify scripts from now on, the sharing works fine without minifying!

    Thanks a lot for helping me on this! :)

    Edit: Jayjay is one of the most talent singers, i love her song sea green see blue! :D

  • 78 views and no reply!

    Will wait for a few more days!

    Please help someone if you can as i need sharing to work with minified script for safety of my app's database!

    Edit: Views 93 Suggestions 0 :p :D Common Someone ???

  • Nothing So far! Can't get share button to work with minified script!

  • sizcoz

    Thanks for the capx, actually i just did fixed it with a variable condition but your object.iid idea was also fantastic!


    Thanks for the variable condition idea!

    About screenshots though, do have to upload that pic somewhere else and then post the link in the reply box, because i just uploaded an image here in reply box of construct 2 and it uploads successfully and gives me an id but i don't know what to do with it!

    Except that i wanna thank you both for helping me with this! :)

    Edit:Also want some help with this you guys have any idea about sharing stuff!

  • radyan

    Thanks i am also trying the same by adding a variable condition to each platform, will tell you if it works!

  • radyan

    Its a really heavy project and i have to remove a lot of things to provide a capx but i will try to provide the events i want to work!


    Yes, this is kinda what i want but their is a huge problem with it which is the unlimited number of objects that it will keep on creating while player is near the platform!

    M Not able to post the screenshot here that i took, in it the object count reached 7000 in a minute which is opposite to what the event is for i.e. to keep number of objects in limit and thus reduce the collision checks!

  • 78 views so far but not a solution i will wait because i need this to work desperately, Help!!!

  • Bump!

    No one has a clue yet! will wait for a few more days and then have to lose minifying script because sharing game is important feature and sadly construct 2 does not have it as a default feature :(

  • Hello from the other side,

    This post is to discuss the possibility of making sharing a screenshot/message possible with minified script export fro construct!

    As we know there are various plugins out there to get a share button to work, mostly used plugins are:

    1)Josek SocialSharing Plugin with eddy plugin on gthub

    2)Cocoon Share Plugin with Cocoon Compiler

    3)Javascript called through browser plugin with eddy plugin on github (

    but as far as i tested non of them works after minifying script while construct 2 export, now i want to minify the script cause it makes the script harder to hack but i also need native sharing to work!

    So the question is whether native sharing is possible with minified script?

    Lets start with thoughts....

  • Bump!

    No working solution yet!

    I need a construct guru to help me on this!

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  • Same Here Plugin Not Working!!!

    I need it very much

    Any solution or Alternative please?

  • Dont wanna be rude but Please bother reading my post first before you post a suggestion!

  • This is an Awesome Plugin I have a similar idea >> is it possible to do this for 9-Patch Object?

    A 9-Patch Animator? That would be so cool and very helpful!

  • warmty

    Did the ScreenCapture Plugin worked for you? If yes then how? because its not working for me on android

    I am using Cocoon Webview and as github plugin!

  • Sorry bud but its not working again, no platforms are creating besides the one you have put in the layout itself

    also i think you didn't understood the problem i am raising i this topic, i know that i can simply create a monster each time a platform is created but if you read my first post, i want a simple mechanism to work i.e. i create all platforms at start of layout (say i have put them already manually in the layout, say i created a level) , now assume i want to create 3 more objects related to each platform but if i create them rightaway (@ platform> On created) it will give us a lot of object count (number of platforms X 3), which will lead to performance lag and even more collision checks. Thus i want to create the objects related to the platform only when platform is detected near the player.

    Hence that event that i posted earlier!