Shrapnel's Forum Posts

  • I loved it! It lacks music, though..

    I was short on time, but that's not the main problem.

    The main problem is I don't understand anything at all about music. =)

  • Love it!

    Old school powa! :)

    Glad you liked it, thank you! =)

  • This is a micrometroidvania I did for MiniLD #34, and I had quite a lot of fun making it. =)

    Give it a shot if you can (it's very short!), hope you guys and gals will enjoy it. =D

  • Hi everyone! =)

    I recently made a micrometroidvania for MiniLD #34 (you can find it here: ) and everything went quite smoothly, apart from a strange glitch I only noticed yesterday.

    To put it brief, the main sprite sometimes gets stuck midair on the side of a platform. It can still be moved away without any problem, but this thing is really strange. It's something like this:


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    where the big rectangle on the left is the platform and the smaller one on the right is the player.

    Now, the platforms are 24x24 blocks with the Solid behaviour. The player is made out of two parts: an invisible 24x48 block with the Platform behaviour and the collision mask slightly shaved off on the upper part, and a player sprite with no behaviours at all that gets moved to the invisible rectangle's position on every tick.

    Anybody's got an idea about this strange behaviour? I'd like to avoid it in the future, since I'd like to write a proper and bigger metroidvania with Construct 2. =)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Just tried, but it didn't seem to work exactly how I thought. I see bigger sprites, but the level size in pixels stays the same. o_O

  • Has Construct 2 got a Flixel-like zoom?

    For those who never used Flixel, it's quite simple: you define your game's size in pixels, and then you can multiply it by 2, 3, 4 and so on. It's cool because it gives a nice pixelated look to the games, which is kinda beautiful with retro-looking games, and it allows you to work on small resolutions (easier for those, like me, who are totally crap at art) and bump them up from the engine itself without redesigning any graphic element.

  • Got it. =)

  • I bought Construct 2, but I still didn't get the email.

    And no, it's not in my spam folder. =)

    How long does it usually take to arrive?

    Thanks in advance. =)