shortwave's Forum Posts

  • I think this sounds like a great idea!

  • I have this problem on all apps I make for iOS too. It's such a huge problem, I can't believe it's not more well known...

  • I did think about that, but I thought that bug was something which was affecting all of the sound on web games in safari, my problem is just intermittent and it's on apps that are built in cordova. I'll try building it with the new release and see what happens just in case...

  • Hey Ignaci thanks for replying, I tried your suggestion but I'm still having the same problem. Actually I'm having a lot of problems with audio for my games on iOS.

    Just wondering if any else has managed to stop the loss of audio and/or audio distortion after re-opening the app on their iOS games?

    Also I'd be really interested to know if there is anyone who is having no problems with their audio on iOS, as that would point to it being me doing something wrong...

    Thank you!

  • Hi, I've been trying to figure this out for a few days now and I can't get to the bottom of it, just wondered if anyone has any advice..

    I have a some sounds that need to play very quickly, and only one at a time, if I stop the previous sound before playing the next one there is a loud click as the sound stops. If I use tags to stop the previous sound then I can't use audio effects any more because I can't figure out how to make an audio effect that affects all tags, and I can't put more than one tag on each audio file.

    I also have some sounds that need to play polyphonically, and I'm having different problems with those. When there are lots of audio files playing together I also get lots of popping and clicking, the audio isn't clipping because I've imported files at -30dB as a test and still get the same problems. I wanted to make a global variable for maximum polyphony, in case the audio engine is getting overloaded, but again I have the same problem of tagging the audio files and not being able to use effects.

    I'm sure I'm missing something and there must be an easy way to sort this out, anyone have any ideas?


  • Hi, just letting you know I've switched over to Cordova CLI now (which is great and easier than I was expecting), but still getting the same problem with audio. Sometimes no audio at all on re-opening the app, and sometimes really bad bit-crusher type distortion. Only way to fix it is with a restart, or to open another app which plays audio and then switch back to my app (this only works some of the time, maybe related to the sample rate again?). I've now tried frameless browser, phonegap build, intel xdk and cordova cli, and it happens in all of them, next one to check is cocoon, I'll let you know how it goes...

  • I think that this problem might be caused by some kind of sample rate error. It sounds to me like the kind of bit crushing / aliasing sounds that you would get when connecting an 48kHz output into a 44.1kHz input. I was wondering if it could be anything to do with a 48kHz sample rate being set after watching a video on the phone? Or maybe even taking a phone call sets the device to a different sample-rate?

    Is there any way to reset the audio engine, perhaps using javascript? I've been doing a bit of research on it but it's all a bit too complicated for me. If there was a way to do this then maybe it could help the problem of having no sound after re-opening the app too.

  • Just wondering if anyone knows how to turn individual audio effects on/off?

    At the moment I have them both turned on with the mix set to zero and when I need one of them in my game, I set the mix to 100%. Is that the way I'm supposed to do it? Seems like it would be better to turn them on and off individually...

  • I'm also having a very similar problem. Sometimes when I open the app the audio is very distorted, like a bit-crusher type sound. Even closing the app from the app switcher and re-opening it doesn't help. The only way to fix it is by resetting my iPhone. I'm currently using XDK, I'm going to try switching over to phonegap and see if it makes any difference.

  • Thank you, just trying it out now. Do you know if there is any way I can use that to tell me how many of the sounds are loaded or if a specific file has loaded? It's just that I'd like to make it show the percentage of how many are loaded...

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  • Is there a way of checking if a sound is loaded? I want sounds to load inside the game and create a counter that shows the progress while they load up

    At the moment I've got a loop that loads them all but if I try to display the number of sounds loaded, it goes straight to 100% while the sounds load up in the background.

  • Has anyone else had this problem? It happens to me on iPhone browser and also with compiled apps with both Phonegap and XDK. It has happened on all of the apps I have made.

    It happens seemingly randomly so it is hard to reproduce. When I close the game and then open it up later, sometimes (maybe 10% of the time), the sound doesn't work and I have to close the app from the app switcher and re-open it. It's not a huge problem but I could imagine it might be annoying for users who don't know what's wrong.

    I was wondering if it is something to do with the audio getting interrupted by something else, maybe like a phone call. Does anyone know if there's something I could put in my file to re-initialise the audio after the app is re-opened?


  • I love Construct but I would happily pay an extra £150 for a good iOS exporter.

  • Wow thanks, that is exactly what I wanted, worked perfectly! Awesome

  • Just wondering if anyone can help me with this:

    I have 16 objects on the screen, which are all vertical lines. They can all be turned on and off.

    When some of them are turned off I need them to all expand to fill the same amount of space equally, so when there is just one left it fills the whole screen, when there are two they take up 50% each etc.

    To get them to be the right width, I've just divided the screen size by number of objects, but I'm having a much harder time getting them to go in the right place, because they can be turned on/off in any order. What I really need is the equivalent to the "space horizontally" thing in the editor.

    Any ideas? Thanks!