shinkan's Forum Posts

  • Yes 6000x2000 it's perfectly fine

    Check this post I've put an example there with 20.000x20.000 and it still works fine. And Ashley there explains some stuff about layout too.

  • Layout in theory do not have any size limit - but you should keep the size reasonable.

  • Sargas You are completely missing grossd idea. He want's all objects place and setup by hand on layout to create corresponding events related to their properties.

    If you place object on layout at X50 Y60, then after some magic option you will have an event already created for you - Sprite: Set X50 Y60.

  • Crosswalk adds ~17MB so it leaves you with ~33MB for your game (images, audio, code)

  • Ashley yes, I know that WebGL from properties turns on /off shaders in editor, but it also turns on/off shaders for preview and export.

    And like I said few post above "it's really annoying to keep switching webGL on/off every few seconds to run preview and check if you placed the object on the layout where you want it "

    As for the capx, yes as well. I have four projects like that currently (two of them are shown in video files I've post above). When I start them all look fine but when I start modifying layout in the editor it breaks - usually selecting one of objects is enough. And yesterday I've noticed that this is not only Tint effect issue. Same happens with all effects that are modifying colors - Adjust HSL, CGA, Set color, Gamma and few others.

    And in one of the videos you can clearly see that this affects only layers having objects with effects. Button (Sprite) is moved from one layer (no object with effects on this layer) to another layer (few objects with effects applied) and it's displaying incorrectly straight away. Moving it back to previous layer - display as it should.

    Please believe me, I would not bug you about that if I new there's an issue with my driver, but same things happens all the time on my pc with geforce 780 (newest driver) and laptop with Intel and ati cards (newest drivers as well). For me it look like Layout editor have some hard times trying to figure out how to display effects. If you want I can send you all that original, not change and "infected " projects so maybe after playing with them for some time you will get same result.

    and btw running file posted by GeometriX shows fine for me. but again after downloading my own file (with issues) I've attached above works fine for me as well...

    Edit. Its not only spritefont but for most of the objects probably - I've seen this with sprite, 9patch and spritefont

  • Even if this strange bug can't be fixed (or it's hard to find out why is this happening) i have a little suggestio/request. Could you add an option to Ribbon/View to turn on/off webGL in the editor (without affecting exports) there's a nice place just below "Show collision polys" and "Translucent inactive layers"

  • Two video from two different projects

    first one have two 9patch objects, one instance each, both with Tint

    second video have multiple instances of spritefont with Tint - in this one near the end you can see that dragging on of the instances somewhere outside layout is fixing it temporarily.

    and like I said in my other post - this was happening on few different graphic cards: intel, ati, nvidia - so it can't be a driver issue

  • One more question from similar subject. Is there a way to check current orientation, can't find it either in system or browser? something like if it's "secondary landscape" and i switch my phone around make it "primary landscape" and show something different in my game.

  • Ashley it's not a driver issue, please look at the last post on this link

    also in attached file Node and NodeColorBG are on the same layer. For some reasons Node is invisible - if you delete NodeColorBG, Node will display correctly. If you move UIButtons from layer Dialog to layer Nodes, then this UIButtons sprite will be drawn in different place - bounding box will stay at same place.

    And best part is that this will not happen in new project. This will suddenly starts to show after some time spend in C2. :/ and it's really annoying to keep switching webGL on/off every few seconds to run preview and check if you placed the object on the layout where you want it

    Using win7 64bit sp1 r169

    Edit. Funny thing. I've downloaded file from my attachment and it's working 100% fine But when I open up the file from my hdd (the original file I attached to previous file) - it's showing this issue ?! I don't know, but It's like C2 is doing something to the project file after some time spend on working on it :/

  • Same thing starts with 9patch+Tint for me last night.

  • Schoening works fine for my on Chrome win7 64, but all cubes are creating in strange random places and it depends on how I am resizing Chrome window. On 1920x1200 they are creating in top left corner

    ~1280x720 about on center of the screen.

  • This looks quite promising, One question, how is it different to Crosswalk from XDK (plugins, options etc.)?

    Because to be honest I'm tired of XDK and their workflow - send file somewhere, wait for compile, hen download it again... Maybe it's fine if you have fast internet connection, but for me it takes about 8 minutes to send 2mb file, XXX time to compile and about 14 minutes to download 20MB file...

    I've been testing things yesterday with C2 and my galaxy S3, 10 builds altogether and they all took about 4 hours to send/build/download!

    That's why I'm asking. If exported build works the same like from XDK I'll be happy to switch over and not waste half a day for stupid tests only.

  • haha, yeah forgot about Browser hidden features. Thanks for the reminder!.

  • Is there a way to lock orientation in crosswalk to landscape but for one side only, so when you hold your phone horizontally, microphone is always on the left and speaker on the right?

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  • F**k the system make all prices to 129.99 $€£ for personal edition

    btw. nice to hear that $ are dropping, USA gonna need to declare another war to get some more money