ShawnMTherrien's Forum Posts

  • 1 posts
  • Hello. New here. DLed C2, built the majority of Super Mario's first level in an afternoon while learning! Then bought the licensed version.

    I'm a windows developer and now Database administrator. I loved the idea of DirectDraw (DirectX's 2d gaming module) and quickly lost interest when everything shifted to 3d, which normally meant 3x effort. 3d gaming is cool when done right... but when it's not I'd rather just have a good 2d game.

    VGamer since the 80's, I see using C2 for making HTML5 and mobile devices as a resurgence to allow us to easily make 2D games, especially 90's style, very efficiently.

    Starting with some basic games to learn, but ultimately I like the idea of turn based strategy, turn based RPGs, board games with RPG elements, etc.

    I'm sure I'll be around asking and then answering questions, but I'm busy reading up right now!

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  • 1 posts